New York, USAFig026 years ago

This is an important announcement for people that submit VC runs to our leaderboard:

We have known for a while that the amount of time it takes your Wii to reset can vary across different Wiis. After about a month of research we have found that the Wiis with fast resets are caused by homebrew apps installing unofficial versions of an IOS to the slot that OoT uses to start the game.

What this means is, from this point on, runs done on VC MUST have an official IOS version installed. If your wii resets faster than 13 seconds, it will not be verified.

All existing runs with the faster reset will remain on the leaderboard, as we just didn't have the knowledge to understand that Wiis with faster resets were caused by unofficial software.

I recommend that EVERYONE who runs on VC install this IOS version, even if you have a slow reset. This IOS 9 version is the fastest of the 6 official ones, so it would be best if there was a standardized version. The process to fix your IOS 9 doesn't take much time at all. Here is a video showing how to do it (I timestamped to the tutorial part):

Here is a document written by Jbop and myself that goes into a huge amount of detail about the research the community has done. If you have the time I would recommend reading all of it: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LgS1VTt9WHAecv4_e4Kl0Fi8FMD65hH5RDVh6ATuaTY/edit?usp=sharing

bytzar, dgamefather et 5 autres aime ceci
New York, USAFig026 years ago

Due to issues with enforcing the already existing emulator rules for top times, we are going to revise how we handle emulator runs.

Effective immediately, all emu times that are within 10% of the existing record will not be allowed on the leaderboards. In addition, emulator runs WILL be shown by default. No need to toggle them manually anymore.

This rule is being implemented because we want to make sure new players can use emulator to learn the game and be a part of the leaderboards. But we also want to ensure high level submissions occur on a fair and competitive platform, and emulator does not provide that. So as players who want to use the leaderboards improve beyond a certain point, console gameplay should become their focus.

To give an idea of what the 10% restriction looks like given the current records, emulator runs can’t be submitted with times better than these:

Any%: 18:52 100%: 4:35:48 No IM/WW: 1:23:36 AD: 1:28:40 MST: 2:06:18 Bug Limit: 3:42:27 Glitchless: 4:05:00 100% Glitchless: 6:21:05 No WW: 47:42 Ganonless: 35:30

These cutoffs are dynamic and change as records improve. These are just the cutoffs at the time of implementing this rule. The few existing submissions that are faster than the cutoffs will be removed. As records improve and the cutoff shifts with them, these removed runs can be resubmitted.

All of the remaining misc categories are being moved to the category extensions board, where the new emu rules DO NOT apply. Glitchless 100% was moved to the glitchless tab. The decision to move certain misc categories was discussed by SRC and ZSR mods. The decision was made purely based on activity. If a moved category gains activity in the future it can be moved back.

Thank you,

  • OoT SRC and ZSR mod team
Jimbalicious, VyPr et 38 autres aime ceci
New York, USAFig027 years ago

Feel free to reply with a category you'd like to see on this leaderboard. It'd be nice if it was a category that had a few completed runs but this board is very relaxed. It'll probably get added.

Link some vods if you can

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