DenmarkFaghetti3 years ago

Hey runners, I am not necessarily a speedrunner (though I would not be opposed to trying a speedrun of this game some day), but my game seems to crash every time I try to play level 4 of cave of wonders (carpet escape).

More specifically it boots me back to the title screen and then crashes if I try to reenter the level select.

Any idea how I can fix this? I had the same problem when I was little on my mom's work computer so it must be something deeper.

DenmarkFaghetti7 years ago

I meant more in the way of connecting my ps3 controller to my computer >_>

DenmarkFaghetti7 years ago

Shit, how do i set up controller? Can I use a ps3 controller?

Capridog aiment ceci
DenmarkFaghetti7 years ago

Btw I just practiced some of the tricks in TS2 and noticed that Brandon uses a controller in his wr video... is it handicapping myself if I do not use a controller?


I cannot - for the life of me - get that box trick in the cellar to work to jump to the extra pizza.. I mean the one where you jump from underneath and grab the ledge above by utilising a double jump.. never guessed it would be so precise. I got the other jump tricks on the first stage, so that's nice I guess :D

DenmarkFaghetti7 years ago

I can make it work by going back and doing it all over again, so I guess it isn't too bad :D

DenmarkFaghetti7 years ago

Now it works

but I feel like it is kind of slow.. oh well, that can probably be fixed with some option stuff... thanks man :D


I exited the program and everytime I log in it wants me to re-choose graphics etc, but now it always end with:

DenmarkFaghetti7 years ago

If I run it as administrator, nothing happens.

If I click on it - this happens:

DenmarkFaghetti7 years ago

Okay, I'll give it another shot :)


Like before - this is how it looks:

Run Installer as administrator still gives me the same boring result:

DenmarkFaghetti7 years ago

Sorry guys, I'm not so good at that kind of stuff and despite my efforts, I just can't get it to work. Guess I have to find something else to speedrun. :/

DenmarkFaghetti7 years ago

Can someone show me the way to a safe functional emulator for the PC-version of this game? :D I'm very interested in running it.

DenmarkFaghetti7 years ago

The very beginning. I download the game installer - click on install as administrator - then it opens up this black screen with "Starting setup... (Please be patient)". And then it just never moves on to the actual game install screen as it does in the video.

DenmarkFaghetti7 years ago

Can it be that it does not work with Windows 10?

DenmarkFaghetti7 years ago

The game, and yes I tried both with and without administrator. :C

DenmarkFaghetti7 years ago

Thank you :3 I watched your video, but my program doesn't even go past the "Starting up... please wait" bit.. I waited for hours and nothing happened.

DenmarkFaghetti7 years ago

I tried the download links, but it keeps saying "Toy Story 2 is not correctly installed, please re-install" - can you give a guide on how to download?

aiment ceci
DenmarkFaghetti7 years ago

Hello, Brandon it is I, Crafti_Snake, who was on your stream to ask about this game a little while back :)

Here are some of my technical questions:

  1. How should I go about speedrunning it?
  2. Do you know a place I can download it since my laptop do not have a cd-port?
  3. How do you usally set up the splits, recording etc.?
  4. If I wanna stream it for fun's sake, how can I do that?:o

Some extra subjective questions:

  1. Is it a hard game to get into?
  2. What is the worst thing about speedrunning this game, and would you say it is a good game to speedrun?
  3. Is there a lot of room for improvements? (a.k.a not Mario level hard wr chasing with frame perfect inputs every second)
  4. What is the best thing about this game speedrunning wise in your opinion? :)

I got WSplit, OBS studio and XSplit Gamecaster :)

Capridog, MasterLeoBlue, et
aime ceci
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