San Diego, CA, USADerrickito5 years ago

I was looking to see runs, and i stumbled upon the 5th place re2 runner and his run is unavailable? I am unable to view his run? is this just me, a glitch?

ReportWroteByLeon aiment ceci
San Diego, CA, USADerrickito5 years ago

So I submitted one run for Leon A Console. that should be 6 days ago. Yesterday though on the 2-22-2019, I submitted the same run again, hoping the mods would see it faster?. In fact they did and it got rejected for being same submission as the one I first submitted. However, the first one is still pending...

San Diego, CA, USADerrickito5 years ago

So I submitted one run for Leon A Console. that should be 6 days ago. Yesterday though on the 2-22-2019, I submitted the same run again, hoping the mods would see it faster?. In fact they did and it got rejected for being same submission as the one I first submitted. However, the first one is still pending...

À propos de Derrickito
5 years ago
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Devil May Cry 5
Devil May Cry 5
Dernière run 3 years ago
Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy XV
Dernière run 3 years ago
Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
Dernière run 3 years ago