PolandCrek5 years ago

Most runs in the Lab Swords category use it, so what even is the point of the category It's essentially the same thing, but it's supposed to be different It's essentially submitting a regular run into a different category to get a higher place

PolandCrek5 years ago

Or is it just cosmetic? If it is, why is it allowed in the Lab Swords category

PolandCrek5 years ago

I really like playing with my GC controller, but unfortunately it doesn't have motion controls. Are there any strats that are impossible without them or is it just rolling speed. How much slower would it be?

fil: Celeste
PolandCrek6 years ago

Did you fix it? Anything worked? I have the same issue and can't do anything about it

fil: Celeste
PolandCrek6 years ago

can anyone help? im desperate here

fil: Celeste
PolandCrek6 years ago

I think I've tried everything at this point, but nothing helps. Vsync on or off, Fullscreen, Windowed, Window size, giving the .exe higher priority, running it as the only program, nothing. I'm able to get the game running in normal speed for a bit when playing in windowed and messing around with the window size, but it slows down after a while anyways. I guess there's no hope, I gotta give up.

fil: Celeste
PolandCrek6 years ago

I just got a run rejected because my game/timer was running too slow. I checked it myself and yeah, the timer (or game) is running slightly slower than real time. Is there any way to fix that? I can't find anything on the internet I really got into speedrunning this game and it would be terrible if I could never submit a run here :( Mods, is this a common reason for rejected runs, or was my case the first one?

À propos de Crek
6 years ago
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2 months ago
Jeux joués
The Sims 3
The Sims 3
Dernière run 5 years ago