Ontario, CanadaCraftygamers4115 years ago

So recently I was talking demo in a stream about crown% and I have a few questions I would like to have answered if possible.

  1. Do you need all celebrations pictures( I imagine no but i just wanna check)

2.when does timer Start/ stop

  1. Is s rank required

  2. If I run crown % can I submit the 100%portion as a 100% run and then the entire run to crown%

Thanks. Look forward to doing runs soon!

MrSlamz aiment ceci
Ontario, CanadaCraftygamers4115 years ago

So are old 100% runs being removed completely? Or just moved to misc and 100% +DLC will be new main 100% category?

Ontario, CanadaCraftygamers4116 years ago

This capture card records in 1080p 30 fps , it cant be used to stream though but the quality is good.

So if your looking to do live streams dont get it. but otherwise its great

cost 70$ Canadien and like 50$ US

starsmiley aiment ceci
Ontario, CanadaCraftygamers4116 years ago

aren't there 2 more galleries to be released as there are only 2 other confirmed waves of DLC dream friends right now

Ontario, CanadaCraftygamers4116 years ago

make sense I guess. I'm down to leave it as is then

TehArck aiment ceci
Ontario, CanadaCraftygamers4116 years ago

if no one is willing to time do that and retime runs without loading times I could do it. I just personally think load time for this game should be cut out completely as the amount of loading time there is is absurd. Another option is just total all the times from IL's as a final time, only problem with that is that time in the world map would not be counted

Ontario, CanadaCraftygamers4116 years ago

I think timer should stop at start of credits sequence not right after beating mr B

Ontario, CanadaCraftygamers4116 years ago

another option for timing just pause timer during loading screens and later on just have it get re- timed to the perfect frame to cut out all loading time.

Ontario, CanadaCraftygamers4116 years ago

in beardbears video there are invisible hit boxes of the odyssey so perhaps there is a hidden hit box for the globe?

Ontario, CanadaCraftygamers4116 years ago

this actually kind of brings me to another question should we just use IGT? so that way were not that heavily effected by load times, that and we wont have to record making the game run faster

TehArck aiment ceci
Ontario, CanadaCraftygamers4116 years ago

So I went and timed which version had the fastest load times. I timed multiple section where either the world map or the next section of a level loads in. The average load time for each platform is listed below

  1. PS4 - 0.62 seconds 2.Xbox One - 1.43 seconds
  2. PC - 1.94 seconds
  3. Switch - 7.23 seconds

overall it might not seem like a huge difference between platform but assuming we have 26 levels (including bosses), one level being split into 5 mini levels, PS4 could save about 4.8 seconds over xbox one, 39.6 seconds over the switch and 7.9 seconds over PC in just one level. Over an entire run PS4 from only entering and exciting level (not counting boss stages) would have about 78 seconds of load time compared to PC's 244 seconds, xbox ones 180 seconds and the switches 15.1 MINUTES

so if you ever want to run this game very seriously I suggest getting the PS4 version as it saves alot of time over each other version, but for me I'm just gonna stick with my version on the switch

Hfkool et TehArck aime ceci
Ontario, CanadaCraftygamers4116 years ago

From what I've seen so far PC seems to have the quickest loading time and the switch has the slowest, but I was wondering if there was an actual comparison of the different versions yet.

Ontario, CanadaCraftygamers4116 years ago

Do all runs require video proof? I kinda feel they should so we know all times are legit. Even if we don't have capture cards we can record with other stuff like a video camera, web cam, etc. I especially think WR runs need to have video proof, its not that big of a deal right now but I think later on we should enforce video proof.

Hfkool aiment ceci
Ontario, CanadaCraftygamers4116 years ago

so if all switches are required than is it a story mode 100% run? cause you can get all rainbow pieces without all switches.

Ontario, CanadaCraftygamers4116 years ago

What would be the rules for this category? when would time start/end? I've been wanting to do a serious run of this for a while now, but its never been made into a category.

Ontario, CanadaCraftygamers4116 years ago

the only other thing I'm interested in as of right now is all rainbow pieces as a category

Ontario, CanadaCraftygamers4116 years ago

I think we should add an all rainbow pieces category or story mode 100% not a UC solo

Ontario, CanadaCraftygamers4116 years ago

I was wondering whether or not if guest star allies is better to be run with just meta knight and the allie of your choosing (for quickest movement) but do bosses have less health like story mode or when you have 4 allies do the bosses have just as much health as they would with 2 allies

Ontario, CanadaCraftygamers4116 years ago

so by doing that you mean like pause to home menu and then un pause, and if you can see me in the same spot and that jazz its alright? Just wanna make sure I understand as I dont want to complete an 6-8 hour run and have it get rejected

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