AustraliaBKSilv3r10 months ago

Can we remove "include character creation" as a requirement for online runs? Coordinating start times is a pain so often it will be minutes between character creation and "player taking control of character". Seeing naked level 1 in the lobby should be sufficient. Seems like a win all around for both mods and runners.

I think it makes sense for single player (to avoid preloaded runs) but online is different. Cheers.

AustraliaBKSilv3r2 years ago

Hey all - so as I'm sure most of us are aware, back in patch 2.3 Llama had a "weekly" speedrun event with different classes (1st event here: https://arena.gl/events/7MrN6P ).

A bunch of the runs submitted for this event aren't on the leaderboards - some of which would actually hold 1st place currently in the P1 leaderboards (e.g. Barb ). I'm happy enough to go through these and give details to Indrek in maintaining his WR history document in the "Resources", but not sure if anyone else has any ideas?

AustraliaBKSilv3r2 years ago

With the release of patch 2.3 I'd just like to mention it's probably worth people who have the ability to set up backups of the existing TXT extracts for potential "optimisation"/"time travelling" by future runners.

I noted in one of the many Discords that I already wish we had an archive somewhere of the version on release for faster character deletion, fast potion buying and potentially easier hell runs due to the initial "immunity breaking" mechanics. If anyone has this (or knows someone who might!) that would be awesome to share at some point (even just the assurance that it exists would be cool).

AustraliaBKSilv3r2 years ago

Hey everyone, inspired by the breaking of the 2 hour barrier I've begun work on a script for a video outlining the history of 8 man runs. First of all, massive thanks to @LaV who shared some resources with me a while ago when working on the Kill Baal Normal P1 history - every time I think I've found something outside his history I end up at the same place.

In my last videos I got a bit rushed at the end and missed a couple of things (TPScrollbot's work on Top Left town exit and A3 Jungle maps are the most prominent) as well as neglected to properly emphasise some important factors (the most important thing in Teo's sorc runs to beat assassin time was grinding XP early, rather than pushing forward as soon as he has Tal Eth). Plus I only just barely caught that Indrek was first to do Beetleburst strats and misattributed shield dropping to Nightfall when it should have been Agguh (though I corrected this in a pinned comment).

What I'd really appreciate is anyone willing to help out in reading over my scripts in progress and giving feedback. I've set up the google doc as open for view only for everyone with the link, but since it's in my real name I'd rather share that through discord or something similar.

I know this forum is a little quiet so I'm not expecting any responses quickly. Fortunately I'm not in a huge rush to complete this project - I'm only about half way through writing up the earliest 8 man available on YouTube after a week of research.

Jymnasium et Slivenius aime ceci
AustraliaBKSilv3r3 years ago

Hey everyone, I've been reaching out to a lot of you over the last few months about commentating several of the existing WR runs, trying to add some of the flavor I get as a consumer when watching events like GDQ to the top tier performances you have all been putting out.

First up, thanks everyone who has given me permission to post these commentaries on YouTube. I'm mostly putting this post up as a heads up to many people that I'll continue to reach out - I really don't want to put out anything without folks' permission, so apologies if my messages have seemed a bit weird coming out of the blue.

Second up - I'm working through a series of commentaries of all the runs that were once the fastest P1 Normal Baal kill. I'm having a bit of a hard time getting contact details for Nightfall since he stopped streaming about 8 months ago, if anyone has an email or could point him to this thread or something I'd really appreciate it. Those pioneering WRs deserve some respect and it has been really fun watching the knowledge and strategies evolve.

Third - coming out of doing all these commentaries I've been writing up a document in the style of those "History of X World Records" videos. I haven't done any video editing since high school in 2005, so I don't know if it will actually turn into anything, but so far I'm 5000 words in and only just getting to Fragfrog's 58 minute segmented assassin run. If anyone is happy to help answering questions in piecing things together, please shout out. Using the wayback machine on speedrun dot com hasn't been too reliable due to the use of javascript (for example when looking at an archive page from 2016, it was showing a WR from MrLlama in 2018), and I'm also anticipating troubles figuring out what happened with Slimo's deleted WRs around the whole "cheated but didn't really cheat" thing. I've been pretty reliant on Indrek's google doc with video links, so for old sorc WRs that don't have a video link, that's going to be a challenge in general for me.

Finally - I know the race series has kind of dropped off, and was mostly focused on hell runs, but would people be interested in me hosting and commentating a couple of normal races of 3-4 participants? I'm in Australia so timing would be difficult, but I was thinking either Friday night for the Americans (so my Saturday morning), or Saturday morning for the Europeans (my Saturday evening) could work. If there's interest I'll start a separate topic and try and flesh out the details in there.

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