Massachusetts, USAAzizidarkReborn6 years ago

So, while the response you got is true, I will elaborate a bit. The fast spin results from dashing, hopping and attacking obviously. What is less obvious is that he is actually tapping in the opposite direction he is facing to maintain his initial position from the spin, which creates the illusion that he is staying in place. As such, if you mash right and short hop you will get the same response. The discrepancy coming from either not dashing or attacking before the hop. A tutorial can't really be made. It just comes down to mastering the button inputs frames apart. I can't get it consistently either, but I've also not practiced fast inputs extensively.

AidanMse, infinityJKA et 2 autres aime ceci
Massachusetts, USAAzizidarkReborn6 years ago

I assume so. The community is large enough at this point I think there should be if there wasn't, but that would surprise me.

Massachusetts, USAAzizidarkReborn6 years ago

As someone who utilized a freestyle mixless route and then immediately went on to learning BS strats, I need help understanding the any% route. Why do we do certain friend captures as opposed to others on the route? What exactly is Meta Knight for? Additionally, I would like to join the kirby discord to talk one on one with other runners.

Massachusetts, USAAzizidarkReborn6 years ago

If you do light mashes on the home button until Festival, you can use the audio cue from sword to time the A press and get the roulette to stop 2 forward on wing. That's what I do. But you can fast mash from Sword to get the same result. Definitely requires practice. I recommend going to level 1, going to where kibble is next to the fire guy and bomb in the third room. Run up to kibble and shield boost him forward, mix, then try to get wing as often as you can. You have 3 cycles of the roulette to get wing before you pass it and get a random power from the wheel. After you mix, run left to halfway up the slope and then run back and repeat. This is faster for PRACTICE than the any% method we use with 2 double shield boosts in room two to get kibble next to the knight.

Massachusetts, USAAzizidarkReborn6 years ago

I mean you could call it Story Mode 100%, however that's kinda less cool than All Rainbow Pieces, which I think complements All Sunstones and All Code Cubes. Just my taste. Additionally, you require switches to get all the rainbow pieces in extra levels, but I guess some could be skipped if there were 2 separate categories. I feel that is unnecessary. You could go one step further and do "All Star Rooms" or something like that. Not sure how to go about that or if it's even necessary. I'll have to test that. All Rainbow Pieces just sounds so cool, though. However, I guess for simplicity it should be called Story hundo on leaderboards. Good call.

AriesFireTiger aiment ceci
Massachusetts, USAAzizidarkReborn6 years ago

My suggestions would be: All Big Pieces, where you effectively get 100% in the story mode by beating all stages with the puzzle piece icon on each stage. 100%: Finishing All Big Pieces, followed by requiring all minigames beaten on highest difficulty and finishing Ultimate Choice Soul Melter difficulty. and Guest Star Any%.

AriesFireTiger, Tosicamir et 2 autres aime ceci
Massachusetts, USAAzizidarkReborn10 years ago

There needs to be a Bomberman series section for this site. There are plenty of games and runners of them like how Yashichi runs Hero any% and 100%. I speedrun Bomberman Jetters for the gamecube and have world record in it and splits to prove it.

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