SwitzerlandArisCarroll5 years ago

ill also devote a couple of hours today to see if i can fiddle with the process priority in obs to make it more reliable and practise beating him without floor glitch some more '^^

and as much as it pains me i might consider not turning on local recording if that will lead to a better result

edit: yep disabeling a couple of background programs and slightly lowering the quality of my local recording seems to have done the trick. now it again works more often than not^^

SwitzerlandArisCarroll5 years ago

jep thank you guys. that's what i was afraid off. aparently my pc is just not what it used to be anymore since i never had this problem a year ago. i turned off everything that i could and will make doubly sure to have as few processes as possible running during the relay.

i also practised downing him without decoy going through the floor. it is a lot tougher but still doable (never ran the game on ps3 so i'm really not used to it)

SwitzerlandArisCarroll5 years ago

hi everyone i've been paracticing Normal Any% for the FF relay and somehow it seems that more often than not the decoy will not go through the floor. when i ran the game reulgarly i never had this problem. only once in like 15 runs the decoy would stay on top but now it happens very regularly. framerate is on dynamic of course and i have no idea if there is something else that i'm missing and just used to do right.... at this point im considering reinstalling the game and see if that helps. any ideas?

SwitzerlandArisCarroll6 years ago

ok thanks a lot for the detailed answer

SwitzerlandArisCarroll6 years ago

hi there, i'm sorry if this question has been asked before but i read through some of the more recent threads and couldn't find it.

the rules for any% state that turbo is banned but the tutorials by luz, onynekyu and pingval all mention 20hz or 30hz turbo... is this just so you know how fast you have to mash or is turbo allowed for this specific segment or what's the deal hear? '^^

SwitzerlandArisCarroll8 years ago

Nobody intressted in other difficulties and glitchless? I havent watched a single run yet but i might be inclined to run this game. is it dead now that the speed glitch is gone? also what about glitchless runs? i feel the game is so long a glitchless/all main quests category would be fun to do for those insane nerds with high endurance^^

SwitzerlandArisCarroll8 years ago

@JHobz I will make a screenshot when I get home. Its on the ground floor though and I'm quite certain we're not supposed to be able to get there. It would take an OOB glitch to reach it I suppose.

Edit: took a bit longer than expected, fell ill with food poisoning and for once i actually wasn't playing video games while sick, anyway here's a link to a video that should make it clear which switch I was talking about.

SwitzerlandArisCarroll8 years ago

i'll happily donate 50$ to anyone who finds a way to get to the unreachable switch in hollow bastions waterway. top right corner when standing at the start of the maze. been buggin me since i was a kid

SwitzerlandArisCarroll8 years ago

i agree with ninten. i feel it would be mean to WR holders if they didnt have a local recording they could upload.

SwitzerlandArisCarroll8 years ago

can you change my name back to ArisCarroll (i'm an indecisive fool who didnt know that its not that easy to change the name on twitch.. ) sorry for the inconvenience

SwitzerlandArisCarroll8 years ago

thanks for the reply you guys.

i see so its more or less down to personal preference. i've only run beginner so far and i think the gummi missions are more fun without a gun.

i understand why one could need a gun on proud though, especially on HB2/ETOW xD

SwitzerlandArisCarroll8 years ago

So i was wondering why the potion is thrown when guard armor does his dance, is it just so its out of the way and wont make menuing more awkward or has it something to do with guard armors AI?

The other thing i was wondering is wether the gun makes the gumiship slower or if its just not equpied to save the time it takes to equip it back after everything has been deleted.

Lastly does it make a difference if one was to keep Haste-G after getting Haste2-G or is it better to equip Haste2-G over the first one

SwitzerlandArisCarroll8 years ago

Could you please change my username to ArisMagellan? I'm dearly sorry for the hassle '^^

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