Maryland, USAAQ_Noops2 days ago

My main issue is in those games you’ve mentioned, there are predetermined routes and it’s a bit easier to chop off those load times.

Here, the cutscenes, not just the loads, are unpredictable and slower than NTSC as well (e.g. happening spaces, DK spaces, Dart Wheels, etc) and we’d have to eye the ENTIRE run to make sure we didn’t miss a moment, then do a calculation for it, whether it be a red vs blue space as well since those have different timings too. On top of things, # of minigames differ per run, so few more loads added to the equation.

This really does not sound like fun to me. This more sounds like “would this beat a certain time on NTSC,” but Mario Party is a game where RNG is based on timing of inputs, so the same RNG would not align on different speeds, and thus does not have a purpose in comparison.

I get you have a system of ideas, but this really doesn’t work in an RNG heavy game I’m afraid. I get MK64 does have its own RNG with items, but the whole run isn’t revolving around those RNG rolls like this one does.

Maryland, USAAQ_Noops3 days ago

There’s no accurate way to mathematically compare the times, and that’s just asking us to do additional, unnecessary work for the leaderboard. Different versions of the game have different speeds, and thus, we treat them as different records.

We’d have to account for literally every change as every event has different load times. From map loads, # of minigame loads, # of DK/Bowser space cutscenes, etc… every single piece would have to be accounted for in those calculations. That’s a lot of work to ask of the leaderboard mods.

Same can go for battle royale, but atm, SBA is the only category with PAL submissions.

Maryland, USAAQ_Noops2 months ago

Then it basically becomes a Fire run lol. I think one ability runs are more worth tracking than specifically No Wing.

SoapAgent aiment ceci
Maryland, USAAQ_Noops1 year ago

GGs! I’ll definitely be challenging this when back from vacation :)

SquidSlayerNate aiment ceci
Maryland, USAAQ_Noops1 year ago
Ce commentaire a été supprimé
performance: Mario Party 8
Maryland, USAAQ_Noops1 year ago

I witnessed this run and I think the time deserves to stay up here regardless of deleted content. Was an incredible run. I really hope Soft can return some day and hopefully bring back the video, but I understand otherwise.

performance: Mario Party 8
Maryland, USAAQ_Noops1 year ago


performance: Mario Party 8
Maryland, USAAQ_Noops2 years ago

lmao he used slow text

Maryland, USAAQ_Noops2 years ago

I finished my Brrrgh Solo Speedrun, did it live as one of the forums said I could, but my stream cut off around the 6 hour mark. I immediately started recording from the moment the stream went down (lost 9 seconds of footage, but cogs were exploding during that time), and now I'm trying to piece the VOD and recording together, but the render time for this is over 12 hours, and I don't think my computer can handle that.

May I upload 2 separate VODs for the run submission to be valid? (Part 1 being the VOD, Part 2 being the recording)

Maryland, USAAQ_Noops2 years ago

Appreciate it. That was the plan :)

Charlix aiment ceci
Maryland, USAAQ_Noops2 years ago

I plan on doing a Brrrgh Solo run in June and since it's really long, I was wondering if streaming it would truly disqualify it from being marked as "solo?" I don't stream to a toontown based community, and I just don't want silence for 8-11 hours. If anything, streaming a solo run would hurt more since you risk trolls interfering with your run.

Plus, I'd rather

  1. Not upload an 8-11 hour video to youtube
  2. Not store that much data on my computer for one run. Yes I'm aware I can delete it after, but I may not have enough space to begin with.
Maryland, USAAQ_Noops2 years ago

yes. most people have that

Maryland, USAAQ_Noops3 years ago

So I thought about this a bit, and was wondering, is asking for an invasion in a public discord WITHOUT disclosing you’re speedrunning allowed to qualify you for SOLO?

I believe it should for many reasons:

  1. You’re not friending the person in any way shape or form.
  2. This isn’t always guaranteed to get you the invasion.
  3. Any regular can ask for an invasion, and if you don’t mention the speedrun, you’re basically just a normal player looking around for an invasion.
  4. Some tasks are really dependent on invasions in a speedrun. Big example of this is the Mingler/Eagle key tasks. You cannot get an optimized run without an invasion for this. You also do all this training for one attempt at a run, and it sucks to see a run die from not getting a proper invasion or completing a building and not recovering.
  5. There’s already no way to prove/disprove this happening.
  6. This makes people with outstanding invasion luck stand out from those who are stuck looking for specific Cogs.

I think this does not violate the SOLO qualification, but I think it should be confirmed whether or not it counts. I’m sure there are some SOLO runs out there where this has happened, and it frustrates me looking for amazing invasion luck rather than seeing if you can do what you’d do normally when running through the taskline and ask for a little invasion help.

Maryland, USAAQ_Noops3 years ago

So under the rules, it doesn't say anywhere that you HAVE to play as the 1 in the 1v3s, but I was under the impression that we had to. Can the rule regarding that be specified?

Personally, I think the 1v3 section should be played as the 1 so that you are the technical winner, but the only minigame where playing as the 3 benefits you is "Bob-Ombs Away," so I don't really care either way.

Maryland, USAAQ_Noops3 years ago

Was watching my old 1st place run and discovered a better way to attempt this level. Thought I'd put this here as a reference.

Maryland, USAAQ_Noops4 years ago

Obviously, one level that makes or breaks your speedrun. This level took me the longest time in my recent speedrun, due to multiple deaths and issues. Some tips for how to progress through that level:

  1. Get the 3 keys in the first room you spawn in. Go in this order
  • go to the up on the right and go 2 platforms up for the first key
  • go back to the up on the right, hop left at the last possible platform to jump on, fall down, get the 2nd key -clear the board blocking the left up and STAY to the right once it's broken. Wait until sylvester jumps back up and chases you. -go to the left up and grab the third key. Stay to the right until sylvester walks right, then jump down and back up to get to the warp
  1. Go to the far right warp to take you to the ladder area
  • go straight up and grab the hammer
  • go straight down and break the block that blocks the fourth key. Let sylvester fall onto the warp BEFORE you grab the key. The grab the key and warp at the right moment
  • break the blocks and open the door at the end of the blocks to grab a gun
  1. fall down
  • do a reeeeally quick turn and shoot foghorn, then grab the key. you will not have a lot of time to pull this off, but it'll save a lot of time if you do it
  • grab the key at the bottom left, then head for the warp. you do not need the pickaxe
  1. the rest of the level is simple. grab the 2 keys by the gunman, go to the warp, fall down, go through the small pipe, level complete.

This level is really hard to get correct. I died a couple times in my last run to this level and thought that ruined my chance to get sub 2 hours. Getting this level done correctly can save a lot of time.

Any other level questions, let me know.

Maryland, USAAQ_Noops6 years ago

Thanks for informing me on this. I know you can't prove I used a WiiMote from those videos, but I have previous footage (non-uploaded since failed run) of me using a facecam with WiiMote. Again, in this run, I didn't facecam, so no proof. To be honest though, I wouldn't know how this game would be playable using a modified controller anyways, but I really appreciate you getting back to me about this ^_^

Maryland, USAAQ_Noops6 years ago

@silo I had a second run last night being 1:12:23 which was rejected

Maryland, USAAQ_Noops6 years ago

@Francesco I actually had a Wii Remote connected to dolphin emulator, therefore I didn't bypass the motion controls. It's impossible to play it emulated without a wii remote anyways. (I actually scream sometime during the stream, idk if in this run, that I hurt myself flicking the wii remote since I hit a table)

À propos de AQ_Noops
7 years ago
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Mario Party 8
Mario Party 8
Dernière run 7 months ago
Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
Dernière run 4 months ago
Toontown Rewritten
Toontown Rewritten
Dernière run 10 months ago
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
Dernière run 7 years ago
Bugs Bunny: Crazy Castle 3
Bugs Bunny: Crazy Castle 3
Dernière run 4 years ago
Mario Party Superstars
Mario Party Superstars
Dernière run 1 year ago
Kirby's Return to Dream Land
Kirby's Return to Dream Land
Dernière run 2 years ago
Mario Party DS
Mario Party DS
Dernière run 6 months ago
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Mario Party
Mario Party
Dernière visite 11 days ago
Mario Party 2
Mario Party 2
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Mario Party DS
Mario Party DS
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Mario Party 3
Mario Party 3
Dernière visite 3 months ago
Mario Party 4
Mario Party 4
Dernière visite 2 months ago
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
Dernière visite 1 year ago
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
Dernière visite 11 months ago
Bugs Bunny: Crazy Castle 3
Bugs Bunny: Crazy Castle 3
Dernière visite 9 months ago
Jeux modérés
Mario Party 8
Mario Party 8
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Mario Party 6
Mario Party 6
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Mario Party 4
Mario Party 4
Dernière action 2 months ago