fil: FEZ
Germany0x0ade9 years ago

Uh, you're right. Ignorant me >.<

¤adds back 1.07 to the non-existing list of versions to support¤

(EDIT: after reading the 204.9% more closely, RIP me.)

fil: FEZ
Germany0x0ade9 years ago

Obligatory comment from the non-speedrunning peasant.

As v1.07 will be dropped, I guess I won't need to support old versions in FEZMod anymore for now (it's the only old version I supported anyways besides 1.09 for DRM reasons).

This doesn't mean FEZMod won't work with v1.07 anymore at all. It's just that new stuff, especially TAS, may only work in the newer version and I won't debug / test bugs related to versions before the currently newest as intensively anymore. LiveSplit sync and the IGT should still work, but as I recently fixed a bug Kurtz has found (crash on new game) for v0.3, I don't know how much it affects FEZ v1.07. The earliest version I own (earliest Linux version?) is v1.09, so I can't test it for now.

fil: FEZ
Germany0x0ade9 years ago

I'll try to check it in code and fix it in FEZMod.

First hypothesis¤ of the non-speedrunning modder: Tetromino puzzle broke it.

FEZ has got some types of triles (blocks) you can't drop down from. These are - in this case - crates and pickup-able blocks. As you stood on one of them when collecting the anticube, it looks like the game still thought you weren't allowed to drop down. At this point I'm wondering why it didn't reset (AFAIK there's no "flag" to be set, as it checks instantly what Gomez stands on), but well...

TL;DR: You stood on a block puzzle block. You can't drop down from them. Game screwed up, although I can't yet explain why.

(¤: When I say hypothesis, I mean hypothesis. I am not Renaud who knows everything about the game.)

fil: FEZ
Germany0x0ade9 years ago

Damn, I just made an account here and you ninja-edited me.

¤back on topic¤

After searching a little in the game code:

  • Spawn the QR cube
  • Spawn the achievement cube
  • Collect any cube (edit: any anticube)
  • Respawn achievement cube (UNTESTED)

Bug in the source if anyone wants to take a look, just a snippet:

Technical background: When spawning any cube, the game acknowledges "yup, cube X got spawned". When collecting the cube, it acknowledges "yup, cube X got collected". But as there's a small bug in the code ("else" where there should be none), when collecting the QR cube BUT the achievement cube is spawned, it simply "forgets" the achievement cube. You don't even need to collect both at once, just one of them. And after doing that, you're free to duplicate the achievement cube.

Let's just hope Renaud won't fix this... I hope... uh.

EDIT 2: Forgot 2 lines of code before the snippet I posted. Duh. "lost anticube" disproved. Have fun with your free anticube.

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