Publié 9 months ago par

I have added the "Version" annotation for all categories, so you could choose the version used in a run.

The default value is 2.0.2, and we also recommend to use the version 2.0.2 for doing a run; Otherwise we might need to have subcateogory for other version if we found they have too much differences between the different versions.

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Publié 9 months ago par

I have updated the cover of the game, I combined the materials in the game files to have a new cover("data\images\status\title.png" and "data\images\icons\tuxmath.svg").

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Add "Version" annotation

I have added the "Version" annotation for all categories, so you could choose the version used in a run.

The default value is 2.0.2, and we also recommend to use the version 2.0.2 for doing a run; Otherwise we might need to have subcateogory for other version if we found they have too much differen

9 months ago
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