More details on each category?
3 years ago
Wisconsin, USA

I'm interested in taking up speedrunning this game and adding something to the leaderboards, but I'm curious as to what each category means. I can tell that "All Achievements" means you get every achievement the game has to offer, but the others I'm not certain of. My guess is that "No Tips" means you don't ask for any hints, "Less 1 Hour" means you get every achievement except "The Little Speedrun", and "Full Game" is just running through the story once. Is this correct?

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago
Cuervo82 et Geshode aime ceci
Aichi, Japan

I am also interested in running the game, but sadly the video of the only run is not watchable anymore. So, I have no idea, when the timing starts and ends.

And I agree, the categories are not very clear.

Isn't "No Tips" an unneeded category then? I mean, I would assume as a speedrunner you would never use hints, since they just take time to look at and don't make the run faster. So, every run would be a no tips run.

Since I played the game through Twitch Games, I didn't have any achievements, so I am not sure about what "Less 1 Hour" could mean. What is the "The Little Speedrun" achievement?


I also want to run the game and I don't understand the categories. I also don't understand why glitchs or exploits cannot be used, if there are any. I think there should be an any% category and that people run it however they want. I don't think the achievements or the other categories are necessary in this speedrun. 🤔

Rain_Shinotsu aiment ceci

Well, I guess tomorrow I'll send my run of this game. Obviously I will do it in less than an hour and without using tips ... then my run is valid for the categories: sub1hr, no tips, and full game 😅😅😅 well, I will send a message to the admin of the game to find out if he will correct the rules and categories or if he prefers help to moderate the game

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago
Rain_Shinotsu aiment ceci
Wisconsin, USA

"Isn't "No Tips" an unneeded category then?" I agree. My guess for why it's its own category is that the VOD for Unity's speedrun used a tip (I didn't watch it, but when first I checked, I was able to see that it was just their first playthrough.)

"What is the "The Little Speedrun" achievement?" In Steam, it is an achievement for completing the game in under an hour.

I'd say that Any% / Full Game is the only necessary category. I'd have also called for an All Achievements category, but once you get an achievement once, you don't see a notification for it again, so it wouldn't be feasible to track whether you met the conditions for all achievements in later runs.

Good luck with your run, Cuervo. I was thinking I'd post a run sooner, but I never got to it. Hopefully soon, though.

I'm also willing to help moderate the game, but it'd be my first time moderating on, and I suppose having a third mod would be unneeded in its current state.

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago

Agree with you. The category "no tips" and less than an hour "do not make sense and the" achievements "category has the problem you mentioned. I only see logical the category any% / full game ... and later, if glitchs or skips appear, create a new category if necessary. For now I will do a simple race to open the markers and then I will try to find a glitch that allows me to improve times. I hope my run makes you want to try it too, Shinotsu 😉

Rain_Shinotsu aiment ceci
Wisconsin, USA

Nice, good luck. I might do a run soon now that I see that you're doing one. I'm currently writing out the route to give me direction, so I don't have to remember everything. I'll post it as a guide once it's done since the current one is a bit drawn out. I found that while playing again, the framerate starts out good but almost immediately drops to a crawl, leading to a very choppy game. That's unusual for the hardware I'm using, but it could be because I upgraded my GPU since last I played.

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago
UnityWeb32 aiment ceci

Oh, I can't help you with that because I play on xbox, (I have a gamer pc but I don't use it to play, xd xd xd) I have the xbox seriesX so my loading times in the speedrun are fast, similar to those of a powerful pc ... I think that the run of this game is going to be based on the optimization of movements ... I do not expect that there will be important glitchs ... but you can never be sure that completely xd xd

UnityWeb32 aiment ceci
Wisconsin, USA

My computer has a Ryzen 5 3600, RX 6800, and 32GB 3600C16 RAM; I figure that ought to be powerful enough to play and record the game. As it turns out, having open causes the very low framerates, and recording the game makes the game struggle to get 60 FPS anyway, which isn't great. Ah well, it isn't terrible, I suppose. But I digress. There are a few things that I don't think are intended by the developers that can save some time. I'm thinking we could separate the leaderboards into glitchless and glitched categories to account for them, but I'll see what happens. It might also be worth adding an "All achievements" category after all and just mentioning in the rules or a guide what all has to be done to complete a run like that.

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago
Cuervo82 aiment ceci

Oh perfect. I like the idea of adding a category of achievements, specifying the requirements to be met in the rules. Also agree to add the separation of categories with glitches / without glitches

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