more category?
2 years ago

should we have no hit category?

muic aiment ceci
Berlin, Germany

I guess it would be possible but first I want to see a no hit run before making a catagory for it

muic et BbankK_48TH aime ceci

I feel like a category like that is just overkill. Its just a harder version than Any%

muic et BbankK_48TH aime ceci
Berlin, Germany

Yeah there is already weaponless and that is the hard run, so the likelihood for that catagory is low.

muic et BbankK_48TH aime ceci

ok I agree that it's isn't a category yet. I try some 3 run yes that even far harder(farthest I ever go is level6). and now I think there is not going to be someone crazy enough to do weaponless no-hit. RIGHT? (pls don't. i worry to who ever try to lose ur mind like me)

muic et thenoobthisis aime ceci
Berlin, Germany

yeah that is what I would have expected, my problem is with levels like 12 where you don't get a gun and have to fight enemies with swords so getting hit is even more rng based.

muic et BbankK_48TH aime ceci
United States

How about this:

True Weaponless (Feel free to change the name)

Allowed: -Attacking the enemy using the kick dash.

-Kicking the enemies into stage obstacles like spikes and saws.

-Letting enemies damage themselves by running into damaging objects and/or exploding themselves.

 **Not Allowed**:  -Picking up handheld weapons.

-Using kickable objects to damage enemies, this includes kicking enemies into kickable objects that would damage upon impact.

I believe that this mode would make a worthy inclusion as it would offer a unique challenge that will require players to change up how they play the game.

muic aiment ceci
Santa Catarina, Brazil

The idea of having a new category is very much considered, the "True Weaponless" category is very similar to the Weaponless category itself, but I plan to add one or more categories, in addition to what we already have.

Statistiques du jeu
Speedruns récents
Niveau: Level 18
Niveau: Level 25
Niveau: Level 19
Niveau: Level 21
Niveau: Level 13
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