Advanced save state abuse
3 years ago
New Hampshire, USA

Ive been messing around with finding different ways one could save a completed challange board to their save state (and have it last until they make another save state). This glitch allows that to happen, so runners dont have to do challanges every single day.

Step 1: Complete the daily challange from the board and make a save state

Step 2: Do runs until the board resets for the day

Step 3: Close SK and turn wifi OFF

Step 4: Load SK back up and load the save state, keeping wifi off

This should make it so that challange board completion lasts indefinitly until a new state is made. Let me know if anyone knows of a better way to do this, or if it isnt working.

btw- whoever adds the lobbyless% gets a kiss


You don’t need to turn off the wifi, you just gotta not collet the rewards and then upload that to your cloud save

New Hampshire, USA

That's wierd, it must be an android only thing. I tried that method and it just resets them.


hmm wierd

Wisconsin, USA

Thats how it works for me on wifi, what phaze suggested, but I also use andorid, Mocha I would also consider joining the discord, tons of disscusion goes on there

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