[Old lost trick] How to beat Marakamda with Spear
2 years ago

[ru] Сам спидранить не могу, так хоть вам покажу, а то смотреть больно как вы с той заточкой мыкаетесь :D

Этот трюк - производная от "Сокращения" комбо через прыжок, позволяет игнорировать требования к энергии. Любая атака + ПКМ (right click) = прерванная анимация. Можно прожимать следующую атаку.

Any attack + RMB

Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago

[en] I can't speedrun myself, but I want to show you more efficient way to run Marakamda level, since to it's painful to see how you're scurry around with the knife.

This trick - is the consequence of combo "reduction" using a jump. It allows to ignore weapon's energy requirements. Any attack + Right button click = Interrupted animation. It's possible to perform the next attack after animation will be interrupted.

[addition from myself] It's very hard to perform attack with not enough energy when there are NO any targets locked. But it's pretty easy to do it when a target is locked. This attack will work in any mouse buttons clicks order:

  • Right-click, then left-click
  • Left-click, then right-click
  • Simultaneous pushing left-click + right-click

P.S. standard keyboard+mouse layout is used (left-click: attack, right-click: jump)

Here is a video with mouse buttons clicks capture:

Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago
Priboy313 aiment ceci
Auvergne, France

Indeed, it works quite well ! Thanks for the tip !

In my recent Marakamda run, I used the attack and jump simultaneously. To make it more easy to do, I allocated new keys of the keyboard to it. In this way, you don't have to touch the mouse which will not turn jump into dodge.

Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago

Вопрос тренировок - для меня не сложно и два-три полноценных комбо сократить без захвата цели. На стандартном управлении.


You right, it's always a matter of practice) I just wanted to expand a bit your explanation of this trick and show this difference)

Priboy313 aiment ceci