About Categories
6 years ago

I've just started doing runs of this game and I can't help but notice that the categories make no sense. Cubeface's "single segment" 2:06:35 loads saves making them segmented, Tesseract's run uses lolSDA timing and "No Physic Glitches" doesn't work as a category as ledge warping which is arguably more broken than angle skewing isn't a physics glitch. I'm also running bad ending because it's faster.


=== for the No Physic Glitches category ===

quote: ""No Physic Glitches" doesn't work as a category as ledge warping which is arguably more broken than angle skewing isn't a physics glitch" I really don't understand what you mean here so my answer might not be spot on

"No Physics Glitch" only means "not like Tesseract did". It was previously named "Glitchless", then renamed this way because of tiny tricks we weren't sure were counted as glitches or not (attack cancellations, item dupes, some movement abuse etc...). They weren't due to physics so this name came out.

we could still re-rename it "Glitchless" (since none of the things i mentioned above have been used in the end), and make yet another category for legdewarping. But no one has been using ledge warping in a run yet, so I don't understand what you are complaining about.

=== for the organisation of the leaderboard as it is today ===

here's my view of the situation:

  • Tesseract's run is totally amazingly broken, and will (certainly) never be run against, so I don't really care how the time has been counted

  • Cubeface has the most "regular" run with a [full game any% good ending no physics glitch]. He uses saves but it's done in one sitting, and the timer still runs when he does so, i don't see where the problem is. The category is called "single segment" as opposed to "segmented", where Cieply and I have made NUMEROUS takes of each level to keep the best one, with tricks unreasonable to perform in single segment.

  • Me and Cieply have done the same, a segmented [full game any% good ending no physics glitch], in which every level is a whole segment

and that's all. So what do you propose ? as there are so many parameters (knight/amazon/barbarian/dwarf, no physics glitch / tesseract / ledgewarping, single segment / segmented ...) that's the best categorization we could have made with the runs we have, yet, i think

I saw on twitch that you run in single segment, with physics glitches, and with ledgwarping, so you're in your own category (with bad ending on top of that) (and very nice route btw)

but yeah, the problem is that there are too much parameters, everyone is in its own category kinda...

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago

I'd propose two categories: All Runes and Any Runes and that's it. Leave character a filter like it is. Put Tesseract's hilarious run in resources. It makes no sense to have runs which use separate timing methods on the same board. Segmented should not be a category if you want to run segmented stuff just do ILs.


It makes more sense indeed, but there's still a layer of filtering: the glitches used. My run relying only on ledgewarp was purely hypothetical, so let's no separate ledgewarp from physics glitches from other stuff, and just have "glitchless" and "with all glitches you want".

it's just the mess it is because every runner wants to tackle the game a different way, so the categories have to be adapted each time. Now we need a mod to proceed (also to send cieply's levels to ILs)