Accidental bug while doing a NMG Run - is it still valid?
1 year ago

Alright so im currently doing a NMG Hardcore run on PS5, and at the end of Water Hall, i loaded the auto-save to reset the enemy position, fired a rifle shot at a bow archer, and when I sent Ashley to the top to spin the wheels, the enemies chasing after her completely stopped, and no others spawned besides one on the left that also stood still. Is the run still valid, since it wasnt on purpose?


Uploaded the clip there:


Got a similar bug two days ago when I was running Standard Any% on PC (downpatched version), only happened once for me :

Another enemy spawned when Ashley reached the other side but stopped moving when he got close to her without attacking her


Just an AI break, nothing new, there's even a consistent setup to do this. Load the autosave, then you just walk to the left rear railing after pushing Ashley up and look at the door that the enemies come out, make sure you can see each other and Leon isn't moving when they first come out. And after triggering this don't open the menu or suitcase or do anything that'll make your game pause. Don't know how but it just works.

DynastyDN aiment ceci

Hmm, thats interesting that you can reproduce it, but whats boggling me is that its not what I did, I moved my own wheel first then pushed Ashley, and while the enemies were running I was also...weird bug. Still hope my NMG run still is valid, im a few minutes early on the WR and it'd be such a shame that it gets ruined because of this :/


'course it'll be valid, don't worry, it's been discovered a very long time, but as far as I know is that we haven't figured out what causes this so there's many ways to trigger it. edit: wait I don't really sure if it's allowed in NMG runs, I think it is, but if you're still worried you can go discord and ask this

Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago
Greater Manchester, England

Yeah, it's allowed in NMG

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