Playing with Livesplits or Similar
3 years ago
Northamptonshire, England

Hello Can i ask how you guys are able to play the game with the splits on screen. I cannot find a way to play this in anything other than full screen mode which doesnt show the splits. Then when i record using windows + G button it doesnt show up

I'm playing the GOG version on a laptop - thank you

Hey, welcome! I think there's an option in Livesplit to be "always on top", somewhere in the layout settings. That might work. Or you can use a program like OBS and set it up so it records the game and the livesplits.

Northamptonshire, England

Hi Splaysh Full screen mode wont accept any inputs over the top. So even with "Always on Top" it won't go on the top and won't recognise any hotkey i set up.

Can i ask what setup you used to record your full game runs? Thanks

Hey again! I'm using OBS. Display Capture for POD (Game Capture doesn't work) and Window Capture for Livesplit. If you need help with OBS you can always add me on Discord. For hotkeys, try activating "global hotkeys" in Livesplit if you haven't already, I also had some issues with that.

Maybe someone else has another solution, but we're not the most active community around here :p

Northamptonshire, England

Thank you i'll give that a try. I can't get near your times anyway :)

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