1 year ago
New Zealand

source game uses demos so videos arent needed for proof lol and its a migration from a google doc so thats why mods are submitting times for other ppl

shane_shane aiment ceci
United States

The reasoning as to why most times do not have a video is because we simply don't require them, demos can be played in game and watched from there. As of the reason that I have been submitting most of the times on other's behalf is because we moved our boards from a spreadsheet to this full blown page, and as such it would be easier for me and sear to move all the times over ourselves.

Statistiques du jeu
Dernières actualités
Shiny new bhop boards!

Hello all, as you can see we have finally switched our bhop boards from a google spreadsheet to a full blown speedrun.com page! Even though the moving over of runs is still currently in the process of happening, I felt as though it would be nice to give a little "kick-off" post for the page.


1 year ago
Speedruns récents
Niveau: Aerials - Course 12 (KranK)
Niveau: Bhop KB (Sunsette)
Niveau: Pentagon_Hop (Shane)
Derniers fils de discussion
Publié 1 year ago
2 réponses
Publié 1 year ago
1 réponse