Splash Wave music false copyright claims

Hey guys,

You'll notice that if you're playing Splash Wave during your run and post it on YouTube, the song will be claimed by a sketchy YouTube channel saying it's in fact "Boss BGM 6: Inactive" from this link:

Personally, I've been fighting those claims. Don't let that scammer illegally claim your videos.

Have a nice day everyone!



Really? Oh okay, I have no idea how that works. The only thing I know is that it adds ads on my video and gives money the money that channel, which is ridiculous.


Scary. Only the SMS version? This shouldn’t be possible. YouTube is kinda broken. (Passing Breeze ftw anyway!)


Yes, only the SMS version of Splash Wave is claimed illicitly by that channel.

Nimn_One aiment ceci

So, what do you guys do with this? What's the suggested response? I see that now it keeps happening with every new OutRun Arcade YT video for both Splash Wave and Magical Sound Shower

United States

So, what do you guys do with this? What's the suggested response?

Inform the real copyright holder that somebody is falsely claiming ownership over their intellectual property.

Nimn_One aiment ceci

Which is? SEGA of Japan? Hiroshi Kawaguchi?