What Are Skulls?
2 years ago
Oregon, USA

I wanna run those categories but idk what they are

Virginia, USA

They mark where you died last time, and you can shoot it for an extra life


They are usefull in sword speedruns because they allow you to dash at them when close enough

United States

^ Yes, this exactly. There are two reasons they are in a separate category. The first is that it is a pain to set up the skulls because you have to intentionally die in a specific spot. Setting up 3 takes a while and would make grinding IL times overly tedious. The second is that, because skull placement matters, people who do want to grind it out would need to approach runs differently than people who don't (different routes and strategies are opened up when skulls are allowed).

Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

If a Skull appear and I don't dash but hit its a Skull used or not ?


It's considered as a "skulled used" run according to the rules. It only matter if it's an Individual Level (IL) run since we don't make this distinction in the main level category. Did it happen during one of your IL run or do you just want to know ?

Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

Il y avait un skull et je l'ai touché c'est une run IL level 11 je l ai soumise en skull used au-cas ou. There was a skull and I touched it, it's an IL level 1 run, I submitted it as a used skull just in case.

Statistiques du jeu
Speedruns récents
Niveau: 1 - The Grasslands
hurricane/sapin vert
Niveau: 4 - Road to the Goron Mines
Niveau: 2 - The Lost Woods
Niveau: 3 - Grassland Temple
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