Mis à jour 9 years ago par SimonInked

Most Wanted Any% Route (Supra #13) This Route will include using the Golf #15 Supra #13 and Lambo #6 if at any point you don't receive a certain car then an alternate route can be found in that section of these notes by clicking the google doc link :)

Key: Average times per race- ATR (Based on me racing the same event 3 times) World Record - WR (Based on current WR race times by keymakr) Average times per lap- ATL (Based on me racing the same event 3 times) WRS- World Record Spilt Times Cash gained for current race- (£) Cash Spent on cars/upgrades etc - (-£)

Bounty will vary due to the RNG of pursuits, How many infactions, length, heat level etc so keeping track is harder than I expected so I couldn't reliably do it, sorry.

And now that's out of the way lets begin with the route.

Start by going to game play, options, turn auto save and game movement camera off Timer starts when you click start new career. Intro tutorial races

Razor - Just drive - (cant win) Ronnie- Sprint - (ATR 1:22 - WR 1:26) (£10,000) Bull - Sprint - (ATR 1:26 - WR 1:30) (£10,000) Rog - 2 lap circuit (ATL1 1:05 ATL2 0:55 - WR 1:03 TT ) (£10,000) Razor - race ends around 84% (WR 2:10) Car breaks down, Split (WRS 10:51) Skip Cut scene
Buy Lexus (-£27,000)
Go to safe house

15.Sonny Required Bounty: 20,000 Race Wins: 3 Milestone Events: 3

Circuit - 2 laps 4.2miles - (ATL1 1:10 ATL2 1:12 WR 1:11 1:12) (£1,500) Sprint-3.5miles - (ATR 2:10 WR 2:00 TT ) (£1,500) Lap Knockout- 3 laps 5miles - (ATL1 1:00 ATL2 0:54 ATL3 0:56) (£1,500) If no chase during race enter a pursuit Trade paint with 2 cars Stay in pursuit at least 2mins, Evade before 4mins (2 minute window) If you cant evade then just start a new pursuit using slot 1 on the bounty page, drive through the pursuit breaker ahead of you then up to safehouse and enter to end pursuit Do speedcamera milestone (80mph)

Challenge Sonny

Circuit1 (ATL1 1:56 ATL2 2:10 WR 1:54 TT 3:44) Circuit2 (ATL1 1:10 ATL2 1:05 WR 1:17 TT 2:27) (£5,000) Spilt at photo after beating last race (WRS 32:30) Try to get his pinkslip (if got on first try choose performance upgrade next) Remember where his slip is as RNG manipulation can be applied since autosave is off (1 spot right) (Example: If his slip was in slot 2 the next rivals slip will be in 3 then the next will be in 1 etc) (I would reset here if you didn't get golf as I haven't routed the game before #13 without the golf)

14.Tazz Race Wins: 4 Milestones Completed: 3 Total Bounty: 50,000

Go to safehouse Sell lexus (£13,500) Change to sonnys car Toolbooth (slot5) - 5.1miles - (WR 2:00) (£2,000) Go to shop after race (Ahead of you) Buy pro suspension (-£3,600) and pro nos(-£4,900) Sprint (slot2) -5.0miles (ATR 2:30 WR 2:28) (£2,000) Sprint (slot3) -3.7miles (ATR 2:20 WR 2:11) (£2,000) Hope for chase (1,000 bounty, 3 infractions, Cost to state 15,000) Enter pursuit if not during race Do speedcamera milestone (if bounty is needed) (93mph)(90mph) Circuit (slot6) - 2 laps 7.5miles - (ATL1 1:56 ATL2 1:50 WR 1:58 TT 3:38) (£2,000)

Challenge Tazz

Sprint1 (ATR 2:30 WR 2:19) Sprint2 (ATR 2:23 WR 2:09) (£6,000) spilt at photo after beating last race (WRS 57:54) Get slip (if rng manip worked) and performance upgrade

13.Vic Race Wins: 4 Milestones Completed: 3 Total Bounty: 100,000

Go to safehouse and sell Tazz car if you got it (£13,500) Go to shop buy pro tires (-£1,400), race brakes (-£5,200) and pro turbo (-£5,400) Toolbooth race (slot4) - 5.1miles - ( ATR 2:03 WR 2:05) (£2,500) Speedtrap (slot6) (ATR 1:53 WR 1:49) (£2,500) Speedtrap (slot7) (ATR 1:51 WR 1:50) (£2,500) Sprint (slot1) (ATR 2:20 WR 2:00) (£2,500) (hope for chase) Pursuit - tag 4 cops then evade in less than 4 minutes Do both speedcameras if needed (108mph and 105mph)

Challenge Vic

Sprint1(ATR 3:15 WR 2:54) Sprint2(ATR 2:15 WR 2:07) (£6,000) Spilt at photo (WR Spilt 1:30:05) Get slip (use both guesses if needed and performance upgrade if slip first token)

12.Izzy Race Wins: 4 Milestones Completed: 3 Total Bounty: 180,000

(If you didn't get the supra click here for extended Golf route -

Go to shop, buy pro transmission (-£12,200), pro brakes (-£5,200) Drag (slot5) (ATR 0:27 WR 0:25) Toolbooth (slot3) (ATR 2:18 WR 2:20) Speed trap (slot4) (ATR 2:10 WR 2:07) Sprint (slot7) (ATR 2:17 WR 2:22) (Chase ideal) Pursuit at least 4 minutes and tag 8 cars Start new pursuit and evade in less than 3 mins (Same strat as before) Do Speed camera if bounty is needed (114mph and 121mph)

Challenge Izzy

Sprint (ATR 2:10 WR 2:00) Circuit (ATL1 2:25 ATL2 2.22 WR 2:18 TT 3:35) Split at photo (WRS 1:54:57) 1 (?) token and pro upgrade

11.Big Lou Race Wins: 5 Milestones Completed: 3 Total Bounty: 300,000

Sell Izzys car (£) Upgrade Car Drag (slot8) (ATR 0:32 WR 0:34) Toolbooth (slot4) (ATR 3:09 WR 3:13) Sprint (slot6) (ATR 2:07 WR 2:00) Speedtrap (slot3) (ATR 1:31WR 1:28) Sprint (slot1) (ATR 2:05 WR 2:07) Enter Pursuit 20.000 cost to state, 4 infractions and 2 roadblocks Do speedcamera milestones (118mph) (118mph)

Challenge Big Lou

Circuit - 2 laps (WR 1:46 TT 3:24) Circuit - 3 laps (WR 2:16 2:11 TT 6:35) Split (WRS 2:37:22) 1 (?) token and Pro Upgrade 10.Baron

Go to shop buy super pro suspension (-£7,600), super nos (-£12,500) Speedtrap (slot8) (ATR 1:33 WR 1:30) Toolbooth (slot3) (ATR 2:48 WR 2:51) Sprint (slot5) (ATR 1:55 WR 1:53) Sprint (slot6) (ATR 3:23 WR 3:25) (hope for chase) Pursuit - 30,000 cost to state, 10,000 bounty, 4 roadblocks, 5mins length Toolbooth (slot4) (if bounty needed) or Curcuit (slot7) 3 laps (WR 1:45 1:42 TT 5:08)

Challenge baron

Sprint (WR 2:52) Drag (WR 0:27) Spilt (WRS 3:10:24) 1 (?) token and Pro Upgrade


Shop buy nos (-£12,500) Start pursuit slot 1 bounty page (under 3min milestone) Drag (slot2) (WR 0:21) Toolbooth (slot6) (WR 3:20) Speedtrap (slot4) (WR 2:13) Curcuit 2 laps (slot1) (WR 1:54 TT 3:31 Speedtrap (slot5) (WR 2:49) (chase) Pursuit Speedcameras (149mph) (136mph) (139mph)

Challenge Earl

Speedtrap (WR 1:57) Sprint (WR 4:18) Split (WRS 3:57:04) 1 (?) token 1 upgrade

  1. Jewels

Upgrade car Speedtrap (slot3) (WR 2:01) Toolbooth (slot6) (WR 2:44) Speedtrap (slot4) (WR 2:50) Toolbooth (Slot7) (WR 3:36) Sprint (slot5) (WR 2:54) (Hope for pursuit) Tag 8 cars, at least 6mins, 5 infractions and dodge 2 spikes Speedcameras

Challenge Jewels

Sprint (WR 3:32) Drag (WR 0:27) Split (WRS 4:36:27) Try to get slip using both tokens if needed

  1. Kaze
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Tollbooths and Prologue ILs

The previously missing Tollbooth tracks, along with the prologue races (Riverfront & Marina, Financial & Shipyard, Waterfront & Century, Warrent Road) and the "Final Pursuit" have now been added.

Additionally, updated rules to state all essential UI is required, minimap only being needed for the Ch

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