48 Tracks in 1h 28m 45s 900ms by

Roy Biddy Btw, I did try and link my speedrun.com to splits.io but it wouldn't work so if you need proof, I can provide it via discord

The bulk of the time save simply comes from the fact that I improved a lot since my last PB along with better strats. Overall I am happy with this run but upset of what it could have been. The huge killer of the run is the fact that I only got 12/48 full start up boosts, unlike my last PB, no burnouts.

Nitro Tracks Mushroom Cup was flawless. The TM of the flower cup was slow losing about 6 seconds. In the Star Cup DS had some minor mistakes probably losing about 3-4 seconds and I lost around 7-8 seconds on MW due to a terrible S3. The special cup was okay, BDD only featured about 2-3 seconds of time loss from a bad turn, however I lost like 10+ seconds on BC, hitting the wrecking ball twice on L1&3 and hitting dirt on L2

Retro Tracks Shell cup had a trash rmmm, good rmc, and then bad rccb&rtt, losing around 15 seconds in total. Banana cup was great aside from RDKJ which featured my first of 2 fall offs of the run, a bad bounce+alignment into the super bounce, along with doing the jungle section very bad L1&2. Leaf cup was also pretty good aside from the comedy of RMP and losing lots of time getting stuck on a note on L3 and a bad super bounce mid L3. Lightning cup was good aside from RPPS losing lots of time L1 to 2 cpu bumps.

Bonus Tracks Nothing notable in the egg cup aside from losing 2 seconds on DDD end turn L3. Triforce cup featured my 2nd fall off on Hyrule, along with a bad mid section and nisc on L1, along with not going for any niscs on DIIO. Crossing Cup was probably the best cup of the run getting lots of fast niscs on DBP, and getting 2/3 good beginning niscs on DCL, however I only attempted 1 nisc on DWW which also bad. Bell cup was fine aside from a minor mistake on L1 of DRIR which prompted me not to go for nisc any lap.

48 Tracks
No Items
Patch Number
1h 28m 45s 900ms
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago