3 years ago

Just did some research. Turns out the "Impossible" achievement isn't received by getting $40,000. You get it for opening a single pack where the 4 numbers on the cards add up to 40,000. That isn't actually possible without editing the code. No wonder I couldn't get it legit! :)

California, USA

with that in mind, i think what's best for the speedrunning community is to have a unified file that can be used for all runs. but if it's just something that's achieved instantly with a unified file, then there's no point in the run. it should probably go up to a vote, i guess.

Untruly aiment ceci
Victoria, Australia

It actually is possible without changing the code, all you need to do is go Lucid than buy all of the upgrades. Keep opening decks until you get the wisp card or higher and you'll get above 40,000 points

AppleSaws aiment ceci

Can confirm, that's how I got the achievement. So could we update the description of that IL category so it's accurate?

Victoria, Australia

The rules have been fixed for the Impossible category

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