Martial Champion Discord Server
4 months ago

Hi to the other mods here. I know I'm a mod now but I wanted to ask for permission on this (also don't know how to do it). My friend runs a Martial Champion Discord server and I'd love to pin it to the main page of this game so other fans can get involved in the community.

Is that okay, and also if it is, how do I do that? :D

@BOSSCAT @DBcade @NintenLew Thanks!

Kumamoto, Japan

Id prefer if we can keep all fighting game speedruns in the FGC speedrun server. They have enough trouble on their own getting into events, support, and cross run is more beneficial in the long run.

Feel free to invite everyone there!

ThatPunk_ aiment ceci

Oh snap, didn't realize this discord server existed, or that it was already pinned to the top of the page lol. Your points are fair, and I thank you for your response :)

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Publié 4 months ago
2 réponses