Cube Phase Skip
5 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Not sure if this is known or not but discovered while TASing that hitting the cube boss the frame it lands on the ground causes it to keep its downward speed, allowing you to hit it much earlier for the subsequent hits. Not sure if RTA viable but would save quite a few seconds.

Paulister aiment ceci

Yes this has been known for quite some time and is possible to do but as of yet there is so much time to be saved everywhere else in the run there has not been a need for this to be used. Great work though. How much of the TAS have you gotten through? would be great to see once it is finished.

Pennsylvania, USA

...i didn't see this whoops! i finished both any% and 100% versions of the game, they're at and respectively :)

Zebrazilla aiment ceci

Awesome! Thanks for sharing!

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