SD Hiryu
1 year ago
Isle of Man

Hello, I was wondering if we could get leaderboard established for SD Circuit? I've reached out to DBCade on discord, but figured I'd make a community post for the request. Thanks 😁

I have a run to submit as soon as it's ready 👍🏼

Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago
PD4FR aiment ceci

This is something we have been thinking about and it is currently in discussion i will keep you updated

PD4FR aiment ceci
United States

Hey! Thanks for your patience while we were setting up the new categories. I have added two SD Mode categories for now: Normal Tournament and Championship Tournament. Just make sure you submit your run(s) to the appropriate category. Glad to see some interest in Flying Dragon :]

Bored5555 et NintenLew aime ceci
New York, USA

By any chance, will there be a leaderboard for a full new game run? Starting from a file with virtually nothing unlocked and reaching the end of the SD Circuit mode with one character.

This will probably be something that would take 5+ hours, depending on luck for unlocking Bokuchin on the way, as well as the quality of items unlocked/evolved on the way to that point.

I plan on doing something to this extent hopefully soon, though I'm thinking of doing one attempt with no weakness items unlocked, and an any% full run that may unlock some of the weakness items to make the metal fights easier. No cheat codes will be used for these attempts.

Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago
PD4FR aiment ceci
United States

Apologies for the slow response. Yes, I have been interested in creating a full-game category for SD Mode! If you complete a run, please let me know. Once there is a completed run to be submitted, I will then create the category.

As for the details, I'm not sure about the "no weakness items" idea you mentioned, as some of the items can easily be unlocked on accident (by playing with certain settings, etc.). For example, I seem to remember one of them being unlocked at random after winning a round with the easiest settings on, and unlocking it would conflict with the "no weakness items" category. For now, let's start with just an any% full-game category, from a totally new file.

I think it makes sense for the any% full-game run to allow any settings the player wants, including Very Easy difficulty, 1 round, etc. It should be an entirely new file, with NO items or character levels unlocked in advance. As for timing, time will begin upon pressing END to create a named file, and time will end on the first visible frame that shows “K.O.” (or "PERFECT" if applicable) upon winning the final battle against Ryu Maou (the battle that then leads to the credits).

If you notice a problem with any of this or have another idea, feel free and respond here or send me a private message! I'm always happy to see more interest and activity in Flying Dragon!

NintenLew aiment ceci
New York, USA

Ah. You mean the weakness item for Bokuchin. Unlocked by setting the rounds to 1, difficulty to very easy, and time set to 30 seconds. Each of the weakness items have relatively specific unlock requirements, though some are more vague than others in the hints the game gives about them.

For those that I remember, they were as follows: Shouryu (Secret Mantle): Time set to 90 seconds, 1 round. You must win by time out in each match.

Robo-no-hana (Mr. Virus): 1 Round. You must win each round without using secret techniques (supers) or items.

Hayato (Ring of Houou): 3 Rounds. You cannot lose a round.

Yuka (Demon's Necklace): Throws only. 1 round. You are allowed to attack, so long as none of them connect with the opponent.

Ryuhi (Dragon Wing): (recent edit) 1 Round. Each win you get must have the star screen pop up (defeat each opponent in each round using a super as the finishing blow).

Powers (Hero Belt): (recent edit) 2 Rounds. You must defeat your opponents as fast as possible. Time set to 30 seconds. You cannot win any rounds by running out of time.

Wiler (Leaf of Revival): (recent edit) Set your max life to 100 in the options (default is 200). 1 Round.

Suzaku (Suzaku Eye): (recent edit) 1 Round. Defeat all your opponents only using basic punches and kicks.

Bokuchin (Magical Candy): (recent edit) Very Easy, 1 round, 30 seconds.

Ryumaou (Dragon Horn): (recent edit) Very Hard, 3 rounds, infinite time. If you have not unlocked Hayato's weakness yet, you'll need to lose 1 round in any match.

Many of these have very specific requirements, though many are much easier to get on accident than others.

Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago
PD4FR aiment ceci
New York, USA

My game plan for the speedrun is as follows: Character: Yuka Initial settings: Very Easy, Rounds set to 3, time set to infinite. Goals: Get the level 4 medal before the fight against Metal Shouryu (getting as many perfect rounds as possible in each tournament; 12+ in the first tournament), then set the rounds to 1 and the difficulty to Easy afterwards.

After that, it's just going through each of the fights... and hope the luck is favorable towards two things:

  1. Weapon evolves twice before the Metal Yuka Championship tournament, and it evolves into the item Metal Yuka gives.
  2. Unlock Bokuchin before the 9th Championship tournament starts.

If the former doesn't happen, then I aim to set the rounds to 2 and get Metal Yuka's weapon to equip on Yuka. Bokuchin is just pure rng for unlocking in a tournament (and only unlocks this way, at a very low rate), and can cause potentially hours of time loss.

Yuka's initial super and upgraded version has an interesting glitch of ignoring Metal Bokuchin's ability if used as the finishing blow for a health bar. This also applies to Shin Ryumaou 2.

By the way, Ryumaou's weakness item only applies against Shin Ryumaou 3. The other 2 forms are unaffected.

This was my main plan for the no weakness item run. During the tournaments with 3 rounds, I'd be forced to lose 1 round against any fighter. In a general any% run, I'd just avoid the loss and keep the difficulty at Very Easy the entire time.

The only reason for starting out at 3 rounds is to level up the weapon to increase the damage output early on. Around halfway through the run, I plan to unequip the armor and items (unless I get the robe of life; that stays on Yuka); I believe that the AI also weakens their equipment (outside of the bosses) depending on the overall rank of your equipment.

I agree with the timing suggested.

Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago
PD4FR aiment ceci
United States

Thanks for compiling that weakness item info for us! I hope your runs go well, and that Bokuchin decides to show up sooner rather than later. I've never had good luck there personally.

Bored5555 aiment ceci
New York, USA

Thanks. I should also mention a few other things:

On the topic of special attacks: there are a few hidden commands in the game for each character that act as unique attacks. These unique attacks do not count as special attacks, even if the attack itself is the same as the special version. The inputs for these are usually as followed (Does not apply to all characters):

Back, then Forward + Punch (or Kick; depends on the character) (must be entered in quickly). This usually translates to a forward special attack. Most characters have this as an option.

Down, then Up + Punch (or Kick; depends on the character) (also must be entered quickly). This usually translates to an up special attack.

These actions can be done to help deal with Metal Wiler and Shin Ryumaou 1. This was done on a fresh file, so I do not have the information for Bokuchin or Ryumaou at this time.

On the topic of 360 motions: the game doesn't actually focus on a full 360 motion, but rather, whether you pressed Up, Left, Down, and Right in a short timeframe. The way you go about pressing the directions doesn't actually matter; you can go Up, Down, Right, and then Left (within a few seconds), and it should still count.

Hidden actions: There are some characters with moves that are not listed in the game.

Robo-no-hana: 360 motion + special attack performs a unique throw that tosses the opponent upwards.

Yuka: (Close) (Air) Special attack. Yuka has an air throw, and this can be comboed into. The timing is somewhat precise to perform when comboing into it, but it does considerable damage from what I can remember.

Note: This is more difficult to perform against Robo-no-hana, and quite possibly Shouryu as well, due to the differences in how they are knocked back when thrown into the air. It can be guaranteed with Yuka's projectile, but this costs health.

Gifs demonstrating what was mentioned are in the links provided.

Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago
PD4FR aiment ceci
New York, USA

Forgot to mention one thing: when prioritizing secondary items to unlock, the game will always prioritize a boss's weakness item over everything else, including unlockable supers (the only other secondary item I'm currently aware of).

Current focus: when unable to stream, updating the boss weakness information with the full unlock requirements, complete with hints provided by the game.

Plans for any%:

  1. Reach level 1 and unlock Yuka's first super in the first tournament. 3 rounds, must take a loss in one round in the first tournament (to avoid losing access to said super).
  2. Get Hayato's weakness in the 1st championship tournament and reach level 3.
  3. Get Robo-no-hana's weakness in the 2nd tournament. Keep rounds at 1 after this. Level 4 should happen soon.
  4. Defeat Metal Shouryu.
  5. Get Wiler's weakness in the 3rd tournament.
  6. Defeat Metal Robo-no-hana.
  7. Regain Robo-no-hana's weakness in the 4th tournament.
  8. Defeat Metal Hayato.
  9. Complete the 5th tournament.
  10. Check Yuka's current equipment. If the boss item is not equipped/unlocked, set rounds to 2 and defeat Metal Yuka without losing a round. Reset the rounds to 1 afterwards.
  11. Continue as normal through the game. After beating Metal Wiler, regain his weakness item.
  12. Finish the run.
Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago
PD4FR aiment ceci
United States

Fantastic! I really appreciate your interest in finding and documenting this stuff. If I respond slowly it's just that I'm a little busy lately.

Bored5555 aiment ceci
New York, USA

No problem. I will try to update here as often as I can.

The evolve system isn't something I have documented well. All I do know is that some equipment evolutions are dependent on your current level; the lower it is, the worse some evolution paths can become.

For example, take the Technique Headband. It has two evolution paths: Technique Headband X, and Headband of Expert (the item Yuka gives when defeated without a loss with rounds set to 2 or 3).

Focusing on Yuka: Technique Headband X: +3 attack/+3 throw. Yuka doesn't require a level to use this. Headband of Expert: +4 attack/+6 throw. Yuka needs to be at level 1 to use this.

As far as I know, equipment can begin to evolve around level 2 and higher, though at higher equipment levels, it will begin the next equipment at a higher level. If the character you are using cannot use one of the evolutions for an equipment, that path is blocked off (as said equipment is automatically equipped after evolution, and this cannot happen with an incompatible character).

It could be possible that the unlock system for better weapons/armor is also based on your character's current level. My ideal goal is to get Headband of Expert for Yuka, though an alternative item is Band of Devil.

Band of Devil: +4 attack/+5 throw. Yuka must be at level 3 to equip this.

I feel as though the unlock system for supers is also initially dependent on character level, with the exception of every character (except Robo-no-hana's) first unlockable super. I don't truly know the specifics for it, but as Yuka has the most supers to unlock, I think it goes as follows: First unlockable super: Complete a tournament. Second unlockable super: Reach level 4 and then complete a tournament. Third unlockable super: Reach level 4 and win a certain number of rounds. Yuka's final super: Unknown. Has not been documented and I have had no luck getting it in years past.

With Yuka, I want to unlock the first super and the 3rd super. The first has very high chip damage (great for bosses with high defense), and the 3rd just has high base damage, and is ideal for the Bokuchin/Shin Ryumaou 2 fights.

Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago
PD4FR aiment ceci
New York, USA

Found the information about Bokuchin. The game has it hidden in the Seven Wonders 2 item.

Appearance rate is 10% for any tournament in Circuit mode.

With a need to unlock him by the 9th tournament in the speedrun, you are given a minimum of 19 chances to get him before the 10th championship tournament.

If the calculations are correct, then that's an 86.5% chance that we will see him at least once within those 19 tournaments. The odds are in our favor, but at the same time, it's not that unusual that he arrives later.

Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago
PD4FR aiment ceci
New York, USA

Finished unlocking each of the weakness items. I've updated the previous posts to make sure it is as accurate as possible.

Current focus: setting up for streaming the game, and determining a good day and time to do a no reset speedrun (any% first, then on a later date, no weakness items%).

Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago
PD4FR aiment ceci
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