3 years ago
Richmond, VA, USA

So recently I've been doing a lot of runs on Garfield, but I've had a problem with lag. I do play on emulator and I made sure I'm playing on the correct one. I mainly get lag in place where I really shouldn't and I do know that Garfield naturally lags whenever he jump attacks, but I've been getting lag whenever I jump and there are a lot of enemy's on the screen at once (specifically Circus, Up a tree, and alley cat). Also sometimes I just naturally get lag while playing and it loses a decent amount of time in some places for me. I don't do runs on a toaster or a outdated computer so I really don't think its my own hardware problems.

Wyoming, USA

what emu are you running?

Ontario, Canada

Yeah, this game is very poorly optimized, even if you're running it on hardware. For example, a lot of the timesave on Alley Cat is about trying to keep as much stuff off of the screen as possible. Though I've never had much lag on Up a Tree and Circus on either emulator or GameBoy Player...

There's shouldn't be too many settings in mGBA that could handicap your performance. Is it worse than in my current emulator WR run?

Richmond, VA, USA

I use the mGBA emulator (I'm pretty sure that's the only emu aloud), and its not far worse than your run but a little more around the corners and such (as stated mainly with up a tree). I have worked on some stuff to fix most of my own issues with the problems I was having and it should be all good and resolved. Also related to that I also fixed my recording problems and the BIOS issue with the emulator so I should be all good with submitting runs in the future.

El Salvador

I've used VisualBoy for this game and i haven't experienced lag before

Richmond, VA, USA

I used Visualboy when I first started doing runs and I got a lot of frame drops, but im pretty sure the only emulator you can use to submit runs is mGBA with a BIOS active which works the best for me. Also it may be on my part but i swear its harder to climb up ladders and crawl on Visualboy then mGBA.

El Salvador

haven't used mGBA before so can't say anything about lag there

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