some questions
2 years ago
Paraná, Brazil
  1. is it allowed to put the ghost's link for video link?

(example: putting instead of

  1. i see people doing that, will the real time be nothing and the in-game time be the time of the ghost?

  2. can you do that at non-spacebar and spacebarred runs, at both level leaderboards and campaign leaderboards?

thanks for reading and understanding this.

United States

Some of your questions are answered in the category rules, next to the "Submit Run" button. Definitely make sure to check there if you ever aren't sure.

  1. Yes, but only for individual track runs. A video is required for level runs (ex: Learning the Ropes, Action, Nature, etc.). If you want to include the ghost link on level runs too, you can put it in the run description.

  2. Real time can be included for fun, but the ghost time is used to determine placement for level and individual track runs, spacebar and non-spacebar.

  3. If I understand the question correctly, the answer is the same as question 1. Ghost link in place of video is only ok for individual track runs. Video is required for whole level runs. This applies to both spacebar and non-spacebar runs.

edit: Just to clarify one more thing, spacebar and non-spacebar do not have separate leaderboards for individual tracks as of writing.

Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago
pawflix, RadiumRC et 2 autres aime ceci
Paraná, Brazil

thanks :)

RubeGoldberger aiment ceci
Paraná, Brazil

also my learning the ropes 2 videos are going to be deleted due to inactivity, can you change the link of it to since streamable deletes videos for no reason and i can't use yt rn

Modifié par l'auteur 9 months ago
RubeGoldberger aiment ceci
Paraná, Brazil

thank you :)

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Hello, As an introduction, i have been running the game in the 2018 era for around 2 month and then stopped since the hyped died down during that time. I've been the only active mod of the game since then and have done my best to approve run although nor really interacting with the community since t

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