Waypoint Lounge - Looking to Organize event!
1 year ago
Tulsa, OK, USA

Hey there champs! My name is Ben and I'm one of the event coordinators of a brand new Esports bar and venue called Waypoint Lounge! We just opened up in Sapulpa Oklahoma and we're interested in working with the Speedrun community on getting an event organized!

Waypoint Lounge has:

  • 9000 sqft on venue space
  • 36 ft LED wall (capable of displaying 4 game sources onto one screen like for races)
  • Asian / German kitchen with affordable food prices + bar
  • Over 30 high-end gaming PCs
  • 2 private gaming rooms
  • and more!

We've only been open for about 3 months and we just finished getting all of our production setup! Currently our main events are our Smash Bros tournaments, but, we're looking into expanding and working with communities on events! I'm unsure where exactly to look and who to ask to get something as big as this organized. So, if anyone can guide me in the right direction on who to contact, that would be swell!

I can be reached here or even faster via Discord at benlehocky Thanks everyone!

Act_, VyPr et 2 autres aime ceci

wow and very nice