What if someone kept bumping their own thread?
2 years ago



Nuuskis hopsuSleep

Iowa, USA


Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago
Utah, USA

Me in my little child voice: Hey guys Skittlesguy2x4 Beans here with another video today and blah blah blah.

YUMmy_Bacon5, CyanWes et 2 autres aime ceci

I don't know how to insert photos but i can use emojis (Just join the journey)


Somerset, England

@Parasxos You can embed photos by uploading them onto a file hosting service, Imgur or a Discord channel; copy the image's link and then send it here. But we aren't using embedded images, we're using emojis

You can send an emoji by just typing it's name, on it's own, from this list

CyanWes, Gaming_64, et Parasxos aime ceci

Thank you!, I gonna test it now:



EDIT: ooooops! i created a monstrosity.....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 i will get the hang of it eventually, Thank you @YUMmy_Bacon5 for also providing the link. (i'm Idiot..forgot to tag)

Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago
Somerset, England

Is there a list of whitelisted emotes since some don't seem to work?

CyanWes et Gaming_64 aime ceci

there is a twitch account with some name that has gotten all these emotes on it and the website uses that to decide which emotes exist


@YUMmy_Bacon5 I pulled mine from the FFz page

Somerset, England

@Sizzyl, some work from there but what @SioN said is probably correct

Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago
CyanWes et Gaming_64 aime ceci

i know its made that way because i remember there being a thread about it and they asked for emote suggestions and i suggested my Nuuskis and hopsuSleep emotes.

here is the twitch account https://www.frankerfacez.com/channel/speedruncom_ffz

found the thread https://www.speedrun.com/the_site/thread/4dilr


@YUMmy_Bacon5 the entire set of ffz emotes work, they're all in my post before.


I'm curious how many emotes work outside of the FFz ones tho, if someone knows any, feel free to post em.

Somerset, England

@Sizzyl I don't think any will work

Also @Meta said that Elo still own the speedruncom_ffz Twitch account https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/993176547609559070/1022025975749427220/Screenshot_20220921_070558.jpg

CyanWes et Gaming_64 aime ceci

@YUMmy_Bacon5 I remember someone saying that you could use flags as emotes or something before

Somerset, England

I did, they're not emotes[flag:gb][flag:gb/eng][flag:gb/eng/som]

CyanWes, Gaming_64, et jackzfiml aime ceci

how do u use em?



inspect element revealed to me that its "flag:XX" XX being a country code example "fi" and put that inside angled brackets []

Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago