new website pls
2 years ago
Charlotte, NC, USA

Anyone knows a website like my school has decided to not block the website but block all of the games

YUMmy_Bacon5 aiment ceci
He/Him, She/Her
2 years ago

i have a extremely high suspicion that the op is under 13...

YUMmy_Bacon5 et Tutterey aime ceci
He/Him, She/Her
2 years ago

W op,

but yeah they block games for a reason such as for you to focus on your education rather then getting a minecraft wr on minecraft classic web

YUMmy_Bacon5, Amaz, et Tutterey aime ceci

imagine living in a country where the school doesnt trust its students

jackzfiml, YUMmy_Bacon5 et 2 autres aime ceci
New South Wales, Australia

Imagine going to school

Iowa, USA

Are you a dropout?

YUMmy_Bacon5 aiment ceci