Recorded playback faster than real time.
1 year ago
Svalbard and Jan Mayen

Hi everyone,

We are running Cyberdogs co-op now and we are faced with a strange issue. During a run I missed up to switch split and thus all times became broken. Total time is 12:06 but it doesn't look very nice when every level you end with +55 sec except the last level. I decided to record playback from video file, to fix splits, but in this case total time became 12:00. I checked a few times and there is not mistake, so it means that new video file is a little bit faster than a real time video. Do you know why this happen? And is there a way fix this?

I use OBS, 1920x1080, 30 fps, 2500 constant bitrate. Encoder: NVIDIA NVENC H.264 Preset: Quality Profile: high

Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago