Failing quickly at any% route
6 years ago
United States

Hey all, I have read and am trying to implement Vaxherd's glitched any% route.

I'm running into problems straight away with my character creation. I do everything in the notes and move exactly as I see in his videos. However, my NPCs are not moving the same as his NPCs and I do not create the party members (E and O) with the correct stats.

Does anyone have insight into why this may be happening?

What I'm doing: Starting from blank RAM, creating file 2 as E?/Female/5 and reset. Create file 1 as R/Male/8. I do the same movement (no bonking) inside Aliahan, talk to King, buys 2x Wings and go to make my party members.

I'm currently playing on PowerPak (if that matters...)

Michigan, USA

Hello RandomEffekt

I can think of 3 things that could be the problem:

  1. wrong seed loading
  2. wrong discard counter
  3. your field frame counter being off

If I had to guess it would be your seed is loading from slot 2 opposed to slot 3. DW3 has a very wacky log system and I have run into problems before with the wrong RNG seed getting loaded. You can check to see what seed is loading by creating the character, saving, resetting, and play log 1. Once you do that, walk out to the world map and if you don't get any encounters that means you're loading the seed lock and you need to erase the savefile and start fresh. However if you do get regular encounters its not the seed.

Since you're starting from a blank ram save file your discard counter should be 0 so that should be fine.

Finally the field frame counter will only be off with a mistake in movement or menuing. if both those are fine it won't be the FFC.

Sorry about being vague but unless I can see it I'm not 100% sure. I can also check the savefile of the ROM from the PowerPak to give you a more definitive answer.

Hope this helps and thanks for your interest.

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
United States

I'll try to make a video tomorrow morning with what I'm doing, so anyone can evaluate.

What I'm doing from the start is having no files. Create file 2 with E?/Female/5, pressing A to "begin" and quickly resetting. Then I begin a new quest in file 1 as R/Male/8.

I notice as I'm walking to the King that the NPCs I have are moving differently than the NPCs from Vaxherd, and the movement I do in town so far should be same as WR video.

If the wrong seed is being loaded, how do I fix that?

Michigan, USA

When you say you are loading with no files does that mean there was previous files? The discard counter lies in the area of SRAM that isn't affected by the log files so any use of a savefile can cause it to change even if you delete all the log files after and start again. For the TAS route you have to start with a blank SRAM file so try deleting the SRAM file on the PowerPak and see if that solves your problem.

As far as fixing the log loading order, I still don't know to this day and if I encounter it I just delete the savefile and start fresh.

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
United States

Forgive my ignorance, but how do you "delete the SRAM file on the powerpak"?

Michigan, USA

I use an everdrive and when you save a game it creates a file that is the saved SRAM. I would delete that file. TBH I do not know how to do this on the PowerPak and I am assuming its even possible in the first place. A quick and dirty test would be to put another DW3 rom on the powerpak with a different name that way it will create a new save file to accompany the renamed ROM.

Do you have a POWERPAK/SAVES folder? The saved SRAM might be in there.

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
United States

Hmm, I'll have to look into this because I dont feel like I'm actually "Saving" anything. When I messed up character creation, I did a hard power off/on of console. When I loaded the game back up, there were no log files. So I was assuming this is the Blank RAM.

I do not have any "save" files for DW3 loaded onto the powerpak before starting the game (as is typical if you want to save a game's progress). I have no idea if the PowerPak does any of that automatically, but I thought it didn't.

United States

There is nothing in the POWERPAK/SAVES folder

Michigan, USA

Based on that I'm going to guess that it isn't the discard counter so don't worry about the save file on the powerpak. I followed you on twitch and will check out your setup and hopefully get this figured out.

RandomEffekt aiment ceci
United States

Are you available to watch now? I can hop on and give a few tries for you.

Michigan, USA

Sure, no problem.

EDIT: Just to followup with anyone that may be having similar problems with a PowerPak, it turns out the PowerPak was still loading old saved data. In order to fix the problem a blank .sav file was loaded with the ROM and it corrected the problems. Ultimately it was an incorrect discard counter from the old save file causing the issues.

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
RandomEffekt aiment ceci