How to do Left Tower skip?
6 years ago
Maryland, USA

I was trying to learn how to do the skip with Carrie, but was having trouble getting it. I'm not sure how precise your position has to be before the clip. Also I was wondering if you need to hold A during the sidehop in order to clip? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. This game looks pretty cool to run ^-^

California, USA

Carrie has a setup to get the correct position before the clip. Grab onto the ledge and make sure you're up against that left corner. Climb over to the right twice, pull yourself up, then hold C Up and let go so the camera spins around. Once the camera has readjusted and stops moving, sidehop directly right and hold A the entire time. You're going to bonk into the wall, and as you're falling, hold straight up on the control stick while still holding A and you'll clip through and grab a ledge from inside the wall. The toughest part about Left Tower Skip is the timing for when to start holding up on the control stick out of the sidehop. If you're grabbing the ledge and not clipping through, that means you're holding up too early. If you're landing on top of the ledge without grabbing anything, you're holding up too late. Once you've clipped through and are grabbing something inside the wall, let go of A, and you will take something like 85% fall damage. Hold R to bring the camera down so you can see what's going on, then run up-right and you will fall past some invisible walls and land on the outside of the level where you can jump into the loading zone for the Villa from the other side.

Feel free to join the CV64/LoD speedrun Discord here if you have any other questions about running these games. Good luck

xenkaroshi, gumv et 3 autres aime ceci