Glitch: "Axe Climbing" + Skip in Fling Ring
2 years ago
United States

I found a useful glitch a while ago which I call "axe climbing," where you repeatedly jump on a swinging axe to get to higher places. I don't understand how it works, but I do know that it is pretty hard to do, at least without a setup or idea of what exactly you need to do. At the moment, I think using this for skips is only viable in ILs.

In the following video, I show it in action for a big skip in Fling Ring. Note that you can preform the skip using any of the axes, I just used the furthest one because it's closest to a checkpoint.

Gx_Fo aiment ceci

the same trick can be done later on the level, at the last axe you can axe climb on the ice platforms and save like 3-5 seconds

Gx_Fo aiment ceci
United States

So, it turns out you can easily climb the axe in Fling Ring by jumping and walking vaguely tangential to it (see It is extremely lenient, this can 100% be done in a full game run Also: it is way easier to do on the side shown in the video

Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago