Quest events
Quest events
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#Casinox Area

##switch 10:1325 set MET_CONRAD = 1 extern is_quest_done "Know about Conrad" @ boo if (@boo != 2) { extern complete_quest "Know about Conrad" extern add_quest "Talk to Conrad" } if (func_charinparty[grumpos] == 3) extern set_party_leader boots set Conrad1 = (Conrad1 + 1) extern playlevelmusic mp3/bricks/bricks_normal_2_5.mp3 extern playscene bricksc_conrad1

##switch 10:1330 set CONRAD_GONE = 1 set FOLLOW_LUCKO = 1 set TOURS_OPEN = 1 set FATIMA_LUCKO = 1 extern stopambient ambi_bricksc_plate extern add_quest "Know Lucko" extern complete_quest "Conrad Might Know" extern playscene bricksc_conrad2 0 10:1331


The participants of the Limbus battle are hardcoded, that means that if you'd bring Grumpos to that area and run the events nothing will work because he's undefined here.

##switch 92:1 set CURRENT_PLANET = 9 set CURRENT_BANK = 92 loadape "biggun" if (play_limbus_intro == 1) { set talked_to_santa = 1 set play_limbus_intro = 0 extern set_party_leader boots extern complete_quest "Explore Limbus" extern playscene limbus_scene86 } else if (battle_alldone) { } else if ((Battle_Gun == 1) && (Battle_Bridge == 0)) goto 92:0170
if ((Battle_Cliff == 1) && (Battle_AllDone == 0)) { console "battlestart 0" goto 0:0 } if (Battle_AllDone) { gosub 92:0801 gosub 92:2 }

##switch 92:2 if (@santa_spawned == 0) { set @santa_spawned = 1 } if (where_am_i_1 == 4) gosub 92:8004 if (where_am_i_1 == 2) gosub 92:8000 if (where_am_i_1 == 1) gosub 92:8008 if (where_am_i_1 == 3) gosub 92:8012 if (where_am_i_1 && ((where_am_i_2 == 0) || (where_am_i_2 == 4))) gosub 92:8005 if (where_am_i_1 && ((where_am_i_2 == 0) || (where_am_i_2 == 2))) gosub 92:8001 if (where_am_i_1 && ((where_am_i_2 == 0) || (where_am_i_2 == 1))) gosub 92:8009 if (where_am_i_1 && ((where_am_i_2 == 0) || (where_am_i_2 == 3))) gosub 92:8013 if (where_am_i_2 && ((where_am_i_3 == 0) || (where_am_i_3 == 4))) gosub 92:8006 if (where_am_i_2 && ((where_am_i_3 == 0) || (where_am_i_3 == 2))) gosub 92:8002 if (where_am_i_2 && ((where_am_i_3 == 0) || (where_am_i_3 == 1))) gosub 92:8010 if (where_am_i_2 && ((where_am_i_3 == 0) || (where_am_i_3 == 3))) gosub 92:8014 if (where_am_i_3 && ((where_am_i_4 == 0) || (where_am_i_4 == 4))) gosub 92:8007 if (where_am_i_3 && ((where_am_i_4 == 0) || (where_am_i_4 == 2))) gosub 92:8003 if (where_am_i_3 && ((where_am_i_4 == 0) || (where_am_i_4 == 1))) gosub 92:8011 if (where_am_i_3 && ((where_am_i_4 == 0) || (where_am_i_4 == 3))) gosub 92:8015 if (where_am_i_4) { gosub 92:8021 gosub 92:8020 gosub 92:8022 gosub 92:8023 } goto 0:0


##switch 92:101 set Santa1 = (Santa1 + 1) if (Santa1 > 1) goto 92:0110 goto 92:0105

##window 92:105 title "Santadramangetricus" body "The first point of interest in the city of Sesostris is the Lance of the Vigil. It is the very reason we are being invaded. You will find the Lance on the Pillars of Sesostris." nextwindow 92:0106

##window 92:106 title "Santadramangetricus" body "The second point of interest is the Bridge of Betrayal. You already know it intimately... it is where you fought and destroyed the Sagen-Kra." nextwindow 92:0107

##window 92:107 title "Santadramangetricus" body "The third and final point of interest is the Cliff of Casting, which you will find within the city." cam left restore zip nextwindow 92:0108

##window 92:108 title "Santadramangetricus" body "I cannot stress enough the importance of this battle. Fight to your last, and do not fail. The fate of existence rests in your hands." startswitch { extern add_quest "Find Pillars" extern add_quest "Find Bridge" extern add_quest "Find Cliff" }

finishswitch { }

##switch 92:701 if (limbus_saw_dome) goto 92:750 gosub 1:5 if (party_population < 3) goto 92:0705 goto 92:0715

##window 92:705 title "Santadramangetricus" body "Words fail me."

##window 92:710 title "Santadramangetricus" body "You must return with both of your friends. I wish to give my profound thanks."

##window 92:715 title "Santadramangetricus" body "You have participated in the greatest chapter of our story. You have pushed back the death of our universe." nextwindow 92:0717

##window 92:717 title "Santadramangetricus" body "In helping us, you have become part of The Vigil, and are entitled to our knowledge." nextwindow 92:0725

##window 92:725 title "Santadramangetricus" body "If your leader would follow me, it is time for you to hear the sacred story."

finishswitch { extern set_party_leader boots extern add_quest "Find Rowdy" set PRE_DETTA = 1 set PLAY_LIMBUSDOME = 1 set limbus_saw_dome = 1 console "set storysave "Limbus Dome|The Dome of Desulinominus"" console "map limbusdome" }

##switch 92:8021 if (@santa_spawned == 0) { extern AI_SpawnEntity @townhall_santa_handle npc_santa santa 92:0701 townhall_santa set @santa_spawned = 1 }

#Elementor tutorial

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Publié 5 years ago
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