What are the differences between Console and Emulator?
6 years ago

There are big differences. Most importantly, any physical attack against Moldorm (boomerang, bow, cane of somaria, sword etc.) will crash the game, this, coupled with the lower amount of lag on the emulator makes these non-comparable. To even begin to make them comparable would require a completely cycle accurate emulator.

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago

Are you interested in running the game, PunchAnimation? You should be able to grasp the route from Acmlm and my runs, Acmlm doesn't do the underflow glitch which is less RNG dependent but slightly slower to a run that gets it. If you have any particular questions, I can answer them. I'll try my hardest to get some guides up soon.

FCEUX lagging is not good to hear as it is pretty much the only emulator I know of to support the bootleg's mapper.

I think if you make splits and just go to each place detailed on the particular split you'll get it eventually even if you do it slowly. My initial runs were just that. I stumbled around inside the dungeons forgetting my way a bunch on my first few but once I started learning routes it became second nature then I started optimizing my own play. You also don't have to do the 8x speed glitch straight away, normal speed while learning should be fine. Walk before you run. Once you feel comfortable then bust it out and crush your PB with it, ha.

chrisxdd aiment ceci

I've written a guide for probably the most important glitch in the run, the infinite dash glitch. Let me know what you think and if you have any questions. What would you like the next guide to be on?

Yeah the text is verbose but the video should be terse. Exciting stuff, hope to see your runs soon.

Massachusetts, USA

I'm a bit confused here. Will this game work on an NES flash cart?

EDIT: I mean will it work well enough to be allowed for console runs.

Modifié par l'auteur 5 years ago
BootlegPickle aiment ceci

If for some reason you can play the game on a flashcart, and assuming the mappers are programmed properly into the firmware for it to run properly, the run would be accepted.

The catch is that the most two popular flashcarts, Everdrive N8 and Powerpak, do not support A Link to the Past (NES). The only possible way to play it on real hardware, to my knowledge, is to either buy an original copy, or a reproduction, such as those made by Krzy on famicomworld. Krzy's general flashcart kryziocart would support the game, but unfortunately does not support saves, which are need to get the super speed glitch. So you'd need his single game revision of his board. Though, you could double check with him as it may work with a soft reset.

Anyway, the major difference (other than minor lag in some parts) between emu and console is that the game crashes if you attack Moldorm without dashing, and this is a big time loss. If for some reason the game didn't crash on your flashcart then a rules revision may be in order.

I hope this has clarified your question, if it hasn't, feel free to poke me with more questions. If you do get it working on a flashcart please let me know as I will tell several people who have wanted to play this but haven't had the means.

Massachusetts, USA

I got a reproduction cart made by Krzy, but I'm not sure if it's working or not. I run into bugs, like sometimes not being able to reenter the first dungeon to turn on the speed glitch, or occasional vertical screen scrolls (it's not the console itself, I was able to verify this), or the screen showing the wrong map screen sometimes making it look like I'm clipping.

Have others ever run into these issues as well? I want to verify this is my repro cart failing and not something else.

Oh dear, that doesn't sound good. I have not encountered any of those glitches. I hope I didn't recommend a lemon and that this is just a one-off error.

The only situation where you cannot enter dungeons is when you haven't talked to the appropriate person/obtained the correct item. If you could enter it once, you should be able to enter it again.

For example, if you try to enter a "crystal" dungeon without beating all pendant dungeons, you won't be able to get in.

My concern is if he didn't implement the mapper correctly. The other possibility is if you got the pacnsacdave translation that may have screwed something up (but I doubt it), this can occur when people mod in extra text/remove text. Also, the Zora you get the last medallion from is still in Chinese in his translation, lol. I told Dave but he didn't respond to my emails/messages.

Massachusetts, USA

Thanks for the info, I'll do more digging!

Massachusetts, USA

Did some more testing on my repro cart, this time on video. Timestamp links are in the video description:

  • wrong map bug
  • shouldn't be able to damage moldorm with sword without crashing
  • the point at which I power cycle the system, which is also when audio issues start (constant clicking)
  • can't reenter eastern palace

@crazyjesse can you please confirm that none of these are supposed to happen?

I can confirm that none of those things should happen. (Or rather, none of them would happen on my copy)

I'm certainly amazed that the game actually allows you to damage Moldorm. Every single person I have asked that has an original copy has crashed on real console.

Now, the Analogue NT uses the actual NES PPU/CPU chips, and the Mini uses FPGA to emulate them. I don't see why either of these wouldn't work as they should.

I don't know why power cycling would do anything at all to your game. You're going to have to talk to krzy about this.

Modifié par l'auteur 5 years ago

Oh here's something curious, on the NT mini changelogs, under revision 2.3: v2.3 notes:

  • fixes Pokemon Yellow issues (mapper 163)
  • fixes misc audio issues
  • various other bug fixes

https://support.analogue.co/hc/en-us/articles/115001947108-Nt-mini-Firmware-Update-v2-3 which means that the mini has had issues with the bootleg mapper 163 for Pokemon yellow.

Zelda uses mapper 162

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