This is What I Think Should be Implemented and Why.
6 years ago
Kentucky, USA

So for the Animal Jam section is very empty, so I have an idea for a game that should be implemented in.

I think that Overflow, With hard easy and medium categories included. The reason for this is because that Overflow is one of the few games where you can't really lose, but it is more of how much time you take on it. For instance, if a Falling Phantoms speedrunning section was added, it would make n sense, since Falling Phantoms is a survive-this-long-to-win game. Overflow is the complete opposite of this. I hope this has shone you how any why this minigame should be in the Animal Jam speedrunning website. Have a great day! -Leafeon

Kentucky, USA

Imo Overflow is a game actually.

South Carolina, USA

That's a great idea. Thanks so much for the suggestion. I'll be sure to add it eventually.

Kentucky, USA

Also, there might be 9 categories for it (or 12.) the reason for this is because of: easy, 1 level medium, 1 level hard, 1 level easy, 5 levels medium, 5 levels etc.

South Carolina, USA

Nah, I think that that would be overdoing it.

Kentucky, USA

I'm not saying to do this. Let me tell you what I mean. Have Easy Mode, will the options of 1 level, 20 levels, and 100 levels. Then next you have 1 20 and 100 levels for hard and medium. Let's take a game in misc for example, Hedge hog. in this game there is 1 level, 5 levels and 10 levels, now let's say that overflow had longer levels then it did, they will be the same, but overflow has easy, medium and hard modes. so we take 3 (number of level classifications) and then multiply it by 3 (number of modes) and we get 9. The reason I was saying maybe 12 is because there might be 4 level classifications. Understand now?

South Carolina, USA

Yeah, but Isn't that basically what I already did?

Kentucky, USA

In case that I am misunderstood, you probably should change it to where in front of the amount of levels, you should add the difficulty as well. Currently, here are the options we have, with the options that we don't have, marked with an X before them. X Easy 1 level X Easy 20 level X Easy 100 level X Medium 1 level X Medium 20 level X Medium 100 level X Hard 1 level X Hard 20 level X Hard 100 level. The reason that these should be the classification is because then we won't have cheating be a thing. Also, when people are uploading their run, they'll know exactly where to put it, for example, if I had a 4:03.67 on easy mode for 20 levels completed, where would I put it?

Kentucky, USA

Another thing that might be good: adding certain achievement speedruns, in a couple categories. Here is the first level of categorization: Single achievement completion. Whole game achievement completion. Finally, 100%. For the second level of categorization, It will be which game you are speedrunning. I'm not listing each game for space conservation purposes. The third level of categorization is which achievement you are going to be doing, so like the first, second, third, etc. Here is a couple completed, correct runs. 1. 100%, auto, auto. (For 100%, just do the first game, and first achievement type) 2. Single, Swoopy Eagle, 5. 3. FullGame, Pill Bugs, auto.

South Carolina, USA

Maybe, but I feel like a 100% AJ run would be WAAAY too long for a game with this small of a fanbase.

Kentucky, USA

Who knows, maybe in Game On 2019 100% Achievement completion will be longest speedrun.

South Carolina, USA

Actually, a 100% Achievement completion would be impossible, since I imagine AJ adds achievements every once in a while. If we do achievements, then it should be a set list of them.

Kentucky, USA

When was the last achievement addition tho?

South Carolina, USA

I dont know. I don't keep track of this stuff, but I'm sure they've added an achievement or two on multiple occasions.

Kentucky, USA

how about fastest time time get a certain amount of achievements instead?

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