Roof Skip....Ish
10 months ago
Western Australia, Australia

Yes you still have to do the 1:20s sniper autoscroller Sadge But you can skip the last 2 mini cutscenes after it plus skip parts of the lead up to it. edited out the Retries of each skip but doing each of the 3, first try would save 40s plus. Capped the game at 90 fps. seems to allow for these funky jumps still but also causes me to walk in vents 50% slower. Uncapped fps 300+ leads to walking in vents 3x as slow, but doesn't effect movement speed at all. still un runnable because you lose like 2 minutes+ to vents alone.

End shows that the next level doesn't bug.

There is a oob in the first level you can do at 144+ fps with a weird super jump that saves like 10s but once again would lose you too much time to vents to be worth it.

Galcedion les gusta esto
Western Australia, Australia

There's other useless oob's I found I might share here. but they're not useful. maybe in 100%

Editado por el autor 10 months ago
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Publicado 10 months ago
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