Wiz 'n' Liz Word Definitions
Wiz 'n' Liz Word Definitions
Actualizado 5 years ago por SilverDile

(Online flashcards with all of the words https://quizlet.com/_50jyz1 )

AGROOF Fall flat on your face BARNEY A mining truck pulled by a rope BIBBLE A really heavy drinker BIGGIN The mesh in a coffee percolator BINGLE Baseball term for a base hit BLABAGOGY A criminal environment BLASHY Beer that's been watered down BLEBBY Covered in blisters BLEWITT A blue hat mushroom BLONKE A strong horse for work BLUNGE Water and clay mixture BOBABZA A really rich mine BONIFACE A bar manager BUMICKY Cement and stone mixture BUNGARUM A poisonous snake CANDIDA A skin fungus CANOODLE To give someone a hug CHONKEYS A mincemeat tart CLOOTS Animal hooves CRANKLE Bend and turn like a stream CRANNOG A Celtic lake-house on stilts CURPLE Another name for your buttocks DIBBLE A gardening tool DIDDLE Cheating or swindling DORKING A five toed chicken DRABBLER A small sail FATTICOWS The 'Lambs Lettuce' weed FEWMIT The dung of the deer FIGULATE A thing made out of clay FILIBEG A tartan kilt FIMBLE The female of the hemp plant FIPPLE A stopper for a bottle FLEWIT A sharp slap to the ears FLITTERN Oak tree juice used in tanning FRATTAY Home-made wine, hic! FRIBBLE To act silly or giddy FRICKLE A basket for carrying bushels FUBSY Short and plump FUGGY A warm bun FUNKIFY To run away, frightened FUNTING Strong white Chinese porcelain FUSTILUG A filthy slob GALAGO Another name for a Bush Baby GASKIN Part of a horse's hind leg GATTER Ale, beer or lager, yum! GAWPUS A very lazy person GAZUMP Pushing up a house price GOOFAH Ancient Egyptian wicker boat GORGET A collar that fits closely GOURAMI A fish that breathes air! GREMMIE A beginner at surfing GRIGGLES Small apples left on a tree GROODLES Left over food GROYNE A barrier used to stop sand GUDDLE Catching a fish with bare hands GUNKHOLE Sail along the coastline HABBOOB A really bad desert storm HIBBIN A type of English ivy HIPSY Water, wine and brandy HOGGIT A big wooden cask HOPPLE To tie a horses legs together HORNITO A lump of molten lava HUSTINGS A platform for politicians JILLICK To skim stones across water JIPIJAPA Plant used for Panama hats KATIPO A poisonous spider KEMPIT A candle made of a dried carrot KINKAJOU A long-tailed mammal KIYOODLE A mangy, scruffy dog KLUDGE Patch up a computer program KOKOON The common Gnu KURSAAL The lounge in a health spa LIMOSIS Urgent desire to eat chalk LOCOFOCO A self lighting wooden match LYTHCOOP A house contents auction MACKLE Printing that is blurred MAFFLE Mumble or words your confuse MAGGED A little frayed at the edges MANIHOT A starch producing plant MAUKIN A Scottish scullery maid MUGGINS A game using dominoes MURFLES Freckles MURRNONG A vegetable like a yam MYKISS A type of trout or salmon NANISM Being a dwarf NEBNEB Bark used in tanning NUBBIN A little ear of corn NUNTING Look awkward and clumsy NURDLE To tiddle a wink near the pot NUTHOOK A thief who uses a hooked pole NUZZING The sound a camel makes PANGRAM Sentence using all the alphabet PINTLE A bolt on which a rudder turns PIPKIN A horizontal handled pot PLUMBAGO Carbon used for lead pencils PONGEE A soft fabric made from silk PONGO Bornean wild apes POONAC Coconut pulp POPPLE Bubble or ripple like water PUNKAH An enormous ceiling fan PURFLE An embroidery border QUADDLE Grumble or complain QUEACHY Wet and swampy QUIDDITY The basic essence of things QUONKING An upsetting sideline noise RIXATRIX A nasty old hag! SAPIDITY Tastes good! SCHUPER A big mug for beer SHADDOCK An old name for the grapefruit SHIGGERS Football players tight trousers SIZZARD Hot and sticky SKEWBALD A brown, black and white horse SKINKER A bar tender SNARF Computer theft SNIGGLE A method of catching eels SNOTTER A rope fixed to a ship's mast SOORKEE Mortar for bricklaying SPATANG Sea urchin SPOFFLER Someone who fusses a lot SPRINGE A snare for small animals SQUIFFER Someone who plays an organ SQUINCH A supporting corner arch SQUITTERS Diarrhoea SQUONK A mythical depressed bird STINKIBUS Bad alcohol STROKLE A tool used to make glass SUMPTER A horse that works SWELCHIE A water whirlpool TAWPIE A lazy young lady THRIPPLE An extension to a haywagon THRUM Playing the guitar THRUMMY With a fringe or tassel THRUNTER A ewe that's three years old TRIBBLE A machine which dries paper TRINGLE Curtain rod over a canopy bed TROLYWAGS Your trousers TRONK A South African jail TRUCKLE To give in TWEEZLICK An instrument for making rope ULIGINOSE Marshy or muddy WABBLER Stew made with mutton WHAMPEE A weed called pickerill WHIFFLER A procession path clearer WHORTS Wild blueberries WIMPLE A Nuns headwear WOBBEGONG The Carpet Shark! WOOFY A really thick cloth WUNTEE An old buffalo WUZZLE A sloppy arrangement YARDANG A wind-eroded ridge of land ZAKUSKY Russian appetisers ZNEESY Cold and frosty

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Publicado 3 years ago
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