hilo: The Site
FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

New bug on game series pages :

Checking the "Show unofficial games by default" option doesn't do anything. Already tried unchecking, saving, then checking and saving again : no changes.

shenef les gusta esto
FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

Hey, we've had discussions about all this stuff in another topic some time ago. You'll probably find some answers in it ;

ShadowFlare7799 les gusta esto
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FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

not sure if i could pick a specific one, but some of my favorites are Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis / Last Escape, along with RE: Outbreak File #1 & #2, Haunting Ground and Fatal Frame / Project Zero 4 & 5

The Evil Within was pretty good too imo but, well, the action-part near the end of the game kinda ruins everything i think

ShadowFlare7799 les gusta esto
FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

it's normal that ntsc is faster than pal, that's how it is for older games

basically pal ran at 25 fps, while ntsc ran at 30 fps (50fps pal & 60fps ntsc for some consoles) ntsc speed is how the game is supposed to run

hilo: The Site
FrancexDrHellx5 years ago

[quote]Can't confirm myself if rules becomes visible after reediting.[/quote] Nope, still empty. Same for reediting guides.

hilo: The Site
FrancexDrHellx5 years ago

[quote]It's not just edited posts either. Guides that haven't been edited in over a year also appear as blank to me.[/quote] Can confirm. This happens on the boktai leaderboards too.

hilo: The Site
FrancexDrHellx5 years ago

I can confirm that this happens on other leaderboards as well ( in my case). It seems like rules still shows up if you don't edit them, so it's most likely something wrong with the edit function ?

afnannen136 les gusta esto
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FrancexDrHellx5 years ago

[quote]Taco pizza.... bro.... whats wrong with you people....[/quote] To be honest, i've done worse... Blasphemy-tier : apple on pizza

(It wasn't bad but you could barely feel the apple, overall, i'd say it was a wasted ingredient)

Pear, tatersthegoat y 3 otros les gusta esto
FrancexDrHellx5 years ago

I think this is what you'd want to use then ?

FrancexDrHellx5 years ago

I've done that before. Depending on the game, it works, especially if the routes are good (as in, everything is explained etc).

I don't think it's a bad thing either, however you'll definitly miss some stuff (mostly because outside of the speedrun routes, you won't be doing much).

FrancexDrHellx5 years ago

Le BigSkeleton / Le BigBoi

FrancexDrHellx5 years ago

The basics :

NG = New Game (doing a run with a fresh, new file) NG+ = New Game+ (doing a run after finishing the game, usually this involves loading your completed savefile, in Tales of Games for example, you'd keep Artes, Weapons and some other things) Any% = finishing the game, doesn't matter if you get everything or not

Usually you will see "Any% NG" and "Any% NG+", especially on RPGs

More specific stuff that some games might not have :

Low% = finishing the game by getting as few items as possible 100% = finishing the game by getting "everything" (in some games where "100%" is shown on the save file, it just means doing everything necessary to get it, in some other games where there is nothing shown on the save file, it's different, it can be getting all weapons, equipments, unlocking things, etc...)

In some games, 100% can be replaced with other things because of the percentage missing, such as "All Sidequests" (especially for RPGs)

There are a lot more variants depending on what the game is, and what it allows you to do, for example on most Resident Evil games, you would see "Knife Only" wich means finishing the game while only using the knife

Hopefully that helps, if you have more questions though, feel free to ask, and if it's about a specific game, it would be nice for us to know wich one

Quivico y Emmoji les gusta esto
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FrancexDrHellx5 years ago

[quote]Breadduex and Godthers.[/quote] Never heard of these, but to be fair in France you mostly hear about either Dominos or Pizza Hut (though at the beginning, Dominos wasn't too popular, instead we had S.O.S. Pizzas wich was the best, but it disappeared all of a sudden, and that's when Dominos became popular here)

So yeah, these are the big 2 ones over here now, though there's still some other places for pizzas (in fact some restaurants started delivering too)

I actually had a friend try italian pizzas years ago, from what he told me it's pretty different compared to other places, sadly though i haven't got the chance to try italian pizzas yet

Pear les gusta esto
hilo: Talk
FrancexDrHellx5 years ago

@hot_temmie honestly it's really good i barely use peppers anymore because i'm too lazy though :P

@petaQ wow you worked at Dominos ? that's cool i actually used to order a lot from Dominos, but ever since they've changed recipes i kept getting stomach aches so i had to stop :/ it was pretty cool though before that, i'd often see old friends from school because they somehow all ended up working at the place i'd order from lol

hilo: Talk
FrancexDrHellx5 years ago

personnaly, the best one i've had so far in terms of flavor is one i made a while ago :

Tomato sauce for the base Ham Mozzarella Basilic Paprika (mostly to add color to the mozzarella, i don't put enough for the paprika flavor itself to be noticeable) Green, Yellow and Red peppers

to be fair though, i love pizzas in general, so most of the time even a simple margherita is enough for me

Octoling y Malka89 les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
FrancexDrHellx5 years ago

[quote]Another option - mods wouldn't even need to check the comments. Could just have a simple like/dislike on comments and if a comment reaches a certain dislike ratio compared to likes (Let's say 1 like to 5 dislikes) then it can just become hidden, kinda like a spoiler tag. I remember youtube long time ago had something similar in place.[/quote]

so basically on leaderboards without more than 5 runners this wouldn't work, the spam would just stay

[quote]If you decided to be a mod in a ridiculous amount of games then it's not really the fault of the community, but your choice.[/quote]

sometimes people become moderator because the old moderators are inactive, in wich case it's not a choice, just a consequence (someone had to approve the run, but the old moderator was inactive and thus had to be replaced)

anyway, there's been a lot of topics about this already, and it's always the same thing : barely anyone would be fine with such a feature, and it's easy to understand why most people would be against it

afnannen136 les gusta esto
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