Florida, USAsilentkaster2 years ago

Thank you @deserteagle417 and @sevit913 . I appreciate your efforts in searching.

I'm crying now for disappointment it won't work with the knife...but don't worry...I'll be okay...

SephJul, sevit913 y 2 otros les gusta esto
Florida, USAsilentkaster2 years ago

Is this only Grenades? Would it work for Chris/pistol? (Or perhaps knife???)

Florida, USAsilentkaster4 years ago

You'll need to create a Japanese PSN account. Instructions to do that are here:

After that, you will most likely need to purchase a Japanese PSN prepaid card (unless you have a compatible payment method), and find the game normally as you would any digital download.

Note that there are two versions on the PSN store...the SD version and the HD version. You'll want to download the HD version if you plan on speedrunning the fastest version.

Florida, USAsilentkaster5 years ago

Alright, here's my essay.

First of all, I'm going to keep this respectful on all sides. I'm trying not to be disrespectful and writing this in a neutral tone, so if you take something I say as disrespectful, it's not. Because I understand the sides on both arguments. So I'm going to start here.

I respectfully disagree with Trance on the verbiage and "tone" he used when he wrote this.

[quote]If someone does a run that is as optimised as my runs, I will change the categories so that people can run on an emulated potato and call it a WR. Until then, people need to put time into their runs and make them better. I have put ATLEAST 800 hours into CVX, and to have someone else come out of the woodwork and do a shit run and call it a WORLD RECORD is very degrading.[/quote]

I don't think holding a WR is an argument for changing/not changing anything. I used to have PS3 runs (and still do that are now obsolete) on the board that didn't beat the SD versions of the game, which meant that their runs were over six minutes more optimized than mine based on credit time alone.

Runners of the game don't necessarily need to have WR's, or be striving to beat WR's, to run the game. If an argument is meritable, I don't care if the WR holder or the last place person makes it, it's a meritable argument.

I also think that his verbiage was intentionally, and unnecessarily, inflammatory, as the exchanges were a bit heated. That being said, I don't think he's been that way in this thread.

However, I will now get to you, @Rapix.

When you say:

[quote]Let's be honest this is one of the least speedrunned RE games despite the fact that it is probably one of the best RE games out there. Nobody will ever bother to beat a WR in GCN, Emulators, Dreamcast, PS2 or PS4 and put a real effort unless there is a separate category.[/quote]

I would disagree. The reason that this game isn't run as much as the others, in my opinion, is because there is no PC version. That's unfortunate, I agree. However, there are no door skips, and no easy way to run it on PC without using emulator.

Look at Survivor and Dead Aim, also without PC versions. Those games have even fewer runners. And sure, they're not as well known, but they're easier to emulate than this game, and even have more "breaks" for the runners including not counting IGT during menuing.

With the separation of PC and Console categories on these games, strategies can change. For example, on RE1 console for the main category, Jill Any%, it's faster on all console/emu versions to take the cutscene with Barry to get acid rounds, but not on PC version because of the door skip. On RE2 and RE3, you must actually time the door skips to get the optimal skips to run the game, but you don't bother on console. On RE3, in the city, the route changes for console/PC, because of the door skips themselves and saving some extra time. On Remaster, console actually locks the player to 30 fps, whereas on PC version, a player can choose 60 or a variable frame rate.

So, in addition to the lack of door skips on console, the categories are separated not just based on hardware limitations, but strategy. This, in my mind, necessitates more of a reason for separation.

Then, it needs to be further separated, based on the individual hardwares themselves and their own limitations. Mixing all console runs together when gamecube is the fastest in RE2, for example, would then not really be much of a separation. So they further divide.

Yet in those games, many of the console categories are completely dead. Literally 0 runs. Check Dreamcast RE2. Check Sega Saturn RE1. You'll see what I mean.

So people play the PC versions because they're the most competitive. Unfortunately, CVX doesn't have that, so we can't just input that.

And there's another reason why the PC versions are the most played, but we'll get to that later.

But hanging on this point for now, when you say:

[quote]Let's all you top runners be honest, if the version of PS4 came out recently was for any reason (menuing, dialogs etc..) quicker than the version for PS3 and people started to beat your times you would have created a separated category for PS4 immediately![/quote]

As a top three runner, I feel I can answer. And I'm sorry to say, but this is hypocritical for you to say. How you might ask? Well, let's go back to Trance's statement.

[quote]I have put ATLEAST 800 hours into CVX, and to have someone else come out of the woodwork and do a shit run and call it a WORLD RECORD is very degrading.[/quote]

I'm going to break down what he said here a bit more plainly.

MrSilentVid, Trance, myself and many of the other runners have done the following:

Purchased or obtained a PS3 Purchased or obtained a capture card Set up a Japanese PSN account, which is actually a lot more involved than it sounds. Purchased the game on the JPN PSN store (or a physical copy.) Btw, for this, you cannot just buy the game. You have to actually go and pay a Japanese PSN Gift Card site for them to sell you a gift card (which they take a commission) and to set this up actually can take up to a few days. Purchased, built or otherwise obtained a PC(s) strong enough to stream from said capture card and maintain fluid video/gameplay. Purchased a splitter, which is needed for PS3 streaming, or obtained one of the rarer capture cards, some of which are no longer produced, to bypass HDCP to stream/record runs. Set up and download on OBS to fine tune color, brightness, etc for decent quality videos. Practiced and ran the game enough to obtain top, competitive times.

So when you ask what I would do if, say, the PS4 version had a skip or was faster to run...well I'd run it on my PS4 and have to do some of the steps above again. I might even get a PS4 professional if I felt it was worth it and would play the game faster.

Now, let's contrast that to what you want to do.

Download a rom. Download Dolphin. Download OBS. Plug and Play.

You can run it on virtually any laptop with Windows 8 or newer. No money spent, no effort beyond a 15 minute or less wait in most places of the world.

So what I think Trance is trying to say, or at least meant with that sentiment, is that those of us who took the time, set up the game, run the game, and paid for the materials necessary to obtain a top time feel a bit insulted when someone like you says, "I should be able to play too, but I am unwilling to go through all the same effort you did."

So do you see why it's a bit hypocritical for you to project unto us what we would do if someone beat our times, when you're not even willing to put in the effort to do what we did?

And sure, maybe you can't afford it, or maybe it's just not easily accessible, or some other myriad of reasons. But that's the thing. If you wanted to speedrun Horizon Zero Dawn, for instance, you'd have to purchase the game and a way to stream it. It's not on PC. It's a console exclusive.

And you might say, "But I don't want to speedrun that, I want to speedrun this." Well, this is a console exclusive. Just because you can make a rom out of it and play it in an emulator doesn't change the fact that it is made for console.

Let me ask you this...if Dolphin or any of the emulator services that you choose to play on decided to charge you the amount that a capture card/PS3 would cost you, would you still want to run the game?

If the answer to that is no, then isn't your argument a bit invalid?

(And that brings us to the second reason most of the top runners play PC. It's essentially free to them, and we'll get back to this shortly.)

I don't think we're gonna have a rush of people that have GameCube consoles only, or Dreamcast consoles only rushing to playing this game if SD was opened up. I think it would just be Dolphin/emu runners, which brings me to the point of the integrity of runs.

If people are let in, using emulators, this will likely become the most run category. This compromises the integrity of the game when it comes to official competitions. Why? Because most of these copies will be illegal copies.

It's not so bad in the other RE's because not that many people run emulator since there is a perfectly working PC version of the game. And yes, I'm aware that most people probably download these versions somewhere without paying. However, there is a factor of plausible deniability there. For instance, you could have purchased the PC version somewhere as a digital download, or simply purchased a different version of the game, but due to lack of optical drive, couldn't play it and therefore had to do a digital mounting of the game.

But with emulator, that deniability factor goes out the window. Unless you can demonstrate that you made a rom of the game and that you own a physical copy, that implies you don't have a legal copy of the game. It's even less believable if you're using a Rom that has door skip, which means that you'd have to demonstrate not only how to make a rom with your legal copy of the game, but that you know how to modify the rom itself to skip doors.

And if we have a game that its most run category is off illegal copies, then the integrity of the game goes down quite a bit.

Running SD vs HD would not be great, either upon further review. Talking to Nurmat today, I found out that the Dreamcast emulators crash on loading Disc 2. This means that the fastest version of the SD game is not reliably able to be run on emulator.

So what's to stop someone, like say, me, to take the WR's on my Dreamcast console? I'll have a six minute head start on anyone on emu, and then you're back in the same boat, even though my run may not be as optimized as the next player down who didn't use Dreamcast.

We could have RTA submitted along with IGT I suppose. Or give an allowance to players using the emu versions which would be the credits. But that gets a bit messy and could open up inconsistencies based on PC hardware.

I understand the want for wanting to open up the categories. And honestly, I wouldn't mind more competition and players as this is my favorite RE and what made me fall in love with the series. And many of the emulator players have helped me with lines, or answered questions about RNG, etc. But I think that if you really want to make a statement...then you should do that. Put your desires into action, first. Start uploading runs to the board, competing with each other, and making it so that it looks like there's a real demand for this. Heck, I'd even submit runs on emu if it meant competing with some of you who are my friends. But as of right now, I just don't see the reason, and so must respectfully side against splitting the board.

Nurmat, RapixOnGaming y 2 otros les gusta esto
Florida, USAsilentkaster5 years ago

Another issue is that Dreamcast is actually the fastest SD version based on IGT. The end credits does not count toward the IGT on Dreamcast only, even though you cannot skip them. (See Poppo's Glitchless run for proof.)

So we'd have to find the fairest Dreamcast emulator, and then also separate out Dreamcast emu vs. Dreamcast console vs. CVX emu (which would basically be GCN) vs CVX SD console vs CVX HD console. This would make the boards a fair bit messier.

I originally advocated SD vs HD, but given the nature of CV/CVX and its different versions, I'm not so sure.

IcKY les gusta esto
Florida, USAsilentkaster5 years ago

@Victor.Kratos I will respond, but I'd like to ask first...

Since you say:

[quote]I have all versions of this game[/quote]

Why would you be arguing to play a slower version of the game? You already have the Xbox/PS3 version according to you, so why not just play that?

It's funny because out of all the Resident Evil main games, the PC version is the most popular/competitive version, and most people say it's because it's the fastest version. Yet, on this game, people argue to play a slower version of the game.

GustavoPredador les gusta esto
Florida, USAsilentkaster5 years ago

You're right Rebecca, I was rude to Nevs. I apologize, Nevs, publicly so that everyone can see it. I got worked up, and even though I disagree, that is no reason to be rude to you. Being snarky will not make my points any more valid. I will also leave my comments up, because I do not mind people seeing me be rude, and then apologizing for it if it's the right thing to do.

As far as the community goes, I will be removing my runs and leaving the conversation. I am in complete disagreement that a vote should even be the way to decide this. Your argument boils down to convenience, which I think you've admitted, and even you said that's not an argument. I've already explained to you why you're incorrect to believe that magnum is a hard reset, and you've not justified that, but just repeated the same argument.

So if the future of the community is to essentially just remove a game element and believe their run is valid, then fine. Best of luck to the community.

WitchRain y RebeccaRE les gusta esto
Florida, USAsilentkaster5 years ago

[quote]but for me magnum/GL is just a hard reset if you try only Any%. You can still save time with bad RNG in puzzles and people with good movement can deal with pharmacy RNG, for example, and not losing a lot of time with adravil or aquacure, but the locker is nothing more than a "insta reset".[/quote]

The problem is that this is just...incorrect.

You just said in your last post you wanted arguments, but then you say, "No, that's not an argument, but I'll use it anyway as justification." Huh?

I digress, though.

No, it's not an instant reset. If you don't want to use magnum, or you don't want to learn the magnum route, or you're too optimized to use the magnum, or you just think Jill is allergic to magnums (Yes, I'm being hyperbolic, but I'm trying to illustrate the point as clearly as possible.), then you have a choice to roll your eyes and reset.

But the fact is, you can complete the game with the magnum. You can submit it as a run to any%. If you choose to reset, that's on you. Again, you were aware of what you signed up for when you played this game. There is still a grenade launcher you can get, too. If you don't want to do that, fine. But again, that's your choice.

WitchRain les gusta esto
Florida, USAsilentkaster5 years ago

[quote]but I understand that gl/magnum can be annoying.[/quote]

Yes, so is aquacure.

Yes, so is six change.

Yes, so is bad worm RNG for runners who have one cycle worm or who need it to PB.

Yes, so are bad basements with multiple turbo zombies.

Yet, presumably at some point, you'll have a run where only the best or close to best RNG can be used to beat it.

This is the official place of runs. Where GDQ would come to check leaderboards and select potential players. Where players who are wanting to speedrun the game would come to check out strats and times, etc.

So Orch's argument about a home monopoly game is completely invalid. You are not running your own Monopoly game out of your house that uses free parking as a windfall for all the Community Chest/Chance cards, even though that's not in the Monopoly Rule book. You are going to an official Monopoly tournament and saying, "Change the rules to suit how I want to play."

This is the official board of speedruns and where the competition will be scouted, official guides produced, etc. And if you want to pay for and run your own board somewhere else for RE3 and use any tool you want, there is nothing stopping you. But to ask the mods of a game to modify the game because, "It's annoying," is not an argument.

You can play Claire A on RE2 and get a Grenade Launcher every time. You can play Jill Any% RE1 and get a grenade launcher every time.

And if your only counter argument is, "But I don't want to run those games," I would say to you, "But you knew what you were signing up for when you played. You can beat the game with the magnum. In fact, probably 90% of the runners that have runs submitted on the board or more can still PB with the magnum." That is still any%, and nothing is stopping you from submitting a run with the magnum to both CE and the main category.

As a Nemesis% runner as well as Any% runner, it's far more annoying to me, as I have two large reset points before the locker with the basement and Nemesis 1. Yet I am absolutely aware that the game might have a magnum in store for me no matter what RNG I get with Nemesis. And Nemesis% is far less forgiving with the magnum.

So again, convenience is not an argument. If it were, then there would be no argument against just modding for perfect RNG all over the place. Make it very convenient for every runner. No turbo zombies (or consistent turbo zombies), always same password, all zombies fall at book, etc.

kenshireando, WitchRain y 4 otros les gusta esto
Florida, USAsilentkaster5 years ago

That's not an argument.

Anyone else have an argument or...?

Florida, USAsilentkaster5 years ago

That's not what I said.

If you want to know more about magnum route, go here.

And click, "Rules."

Literally only difference is no GL can be used. Any other weapon is presumably permitted.

And to get us back on topic, no, I would also not be in support of a "magnum tool" for that category.

Florida, USAsilentkaster5 years ago

You can certainly get GL, but you just can't use it :) As per the rules.

The rules for any% have no rules banning any weapons. Players can use the shotgun, eagle, custom shotgun, magnum, or even the rocket launcher found in the dead factory. In fact, you can do that in magnum route as well, as long as you do not use the grenade launcher.

Any% contains no rule against the grenade launcher or magnum.

Florida, USAsilentkaster5 years ago

You can submit a magnum as any% run. Please check my previous/obsolete runs for proof.

I ask again, next argument please :)

Edit: You can also go into power station and get grenade launcher there and submit as any% run.

Florida, USAsilentkaster5 years ago

Grenade Launcher is RNG, is it not?

Next argument please... :)

wolfdnc les gusta esto
Florida, USAsilentkaster5 years ago

If you're going to allow it, make it its own category and ship it to CE :) It's not "Any%."

If you're going to allow it on Any%, might as well add a mod that also makes the password Adravil every time (which is technically faster than Safsprin) and give 531 every time, maybe one change too.

Florida, USAsilentkaster5 years ago

You need to use X-padder and run it as administrator, and code the d-pad to the arrow keys on keyboard. Run all other applications before you run the game. Save it as a PS4 profile and it should work.

Florida, USAsilentkaster5 years ago

For what it's worth, I don't think you have to save Chris/Jill to fight Roof Tyrant. I think only Barry/Rebecca have to be saved. So you could skip MO discs and all that.

SephJul y WitchRain les gusta esto
Florida, USAsilentkaster5 years ago

I figured I'd ask...does installing an SSD make a difference for this game? For the PS3? Do any PS3 runners play with SSD and notice a difference? I'm just curious if I should invest in something like that for my PS3 or if it really won't make a difference for this game.

Chrioden les gusta esto
Florida, USAsilentkaster5 years ago

So this is why I will not run this game:

[quote]None of us mean no offense to Crazy or his run but it is something that all of us are not for since it is not needed in the run what so ever.[/quote]

  1. Obviously a lie, or misleading at best. A mod on here already said they may not agree with the decision which most likely means they were never asked or never expressed an opinion.

  2. The fact that Knife only/low%, which on every other Resident Evil game where it is an option is in the main category, is not in the main categories on this game. Yet, a category like NG+ OOB, combining glitches and infinite weapons is somehow deemed more worthy of being in the main categories.

  3. Another misleading statement/question:

[quote]What knife only run allows you to keep a gun in the inventory?[/quote]

Answer: Resident Evil 3 and the pistol is allowed to be equipped whenever for e-dodges since the most optimal place to pick it up doesn't occur until after the city.

It's a misleading question because if you're going to ask a question like that, then please make sure the answer isn't on a very obvious knife run and has a very clear example.

  1. Statements like:

[quote]I want to add, all of these rules are arbitrary.[/quote]


[quote]if you guys dont like it. That is fine, I understand completely but those are the rules for the boards that the mods decided[/quote]

(I assume you were trying to type, "If you don't like it, get out"? Even if you weren't, you basically said that in the next sentence. I'll explain.)

So, mods get to sit around deciding arbitrary rules? Why is that a thing? Shouldn't rules be decided by...I don't know...the runners and community? Did you even ask them? You're currently getting a bunch of feedback which seems to say a rule like this doesn't make sense but, "Nah, we like our arbitrary rules better cuz reasons."

I'm sorry mods, but your JOB is to serve the community, not make "arbitrary rules" (Which are your words, not mine) which aren't even discussed or communicated to the community. Here's a thought. If a rule is arbitrary to you, then maybe it should A) Not be a rule or B ) Be discussed and decided on. Instead, you just reject someone's run cuz, "Whatever, here's an arbitrary technicality."

Oh, and instead of having sympathy for the runner, why don't you have compassion for the community? Ask them, reach out and be transparent with the results. If "most of the people said no," name those people. Name those people who also agreed. If you can't be transparent and just tell the truth, and use common sense, then you don't deserve to be a mod of this, or any game.

And until I see some compassion for the community from this game's mods, count me out.

lollipopomg, CursedToast y 4 otros les gusta esto
Florida, USAsilentkaster5 years ago

Why is the infinite ammo cartridge that Nemmy 7 drops banned?

I'm asking for information, because it doesn't seem to make sense to me. This is not a cheat or a code that has to be entered into the game, or any time of modification. This is a legitimate drop that the game lets you use after Nemesis falls. Granted, at that point in the game, it wouldn't save that much time, but again, there appears to be no reason that this item has been banned since it is a naturally occurring drop.

If it was a code or glitch, I wouldn't question it but since it isn't, can someone explain this to me?

Bomba_Nemesis les gusta esto
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