jongyon7192p5 years ago

I submitted a speedrun but it didn't finish rendering on youtube before my computer went to sleep mode. It just finished as I post this reply. Thanks! I'll make a better 10x10 speedrun.

jongyon7192p5 years ago

sorry! last link was temporary and im dum and it expired. get this one!


The Old Deleted Post: Making this server just in case people prefer talking in discord. But there's no messages right now since I just made this. I don't expect a lot of people to join soon, but better to make one than not.

jongyon7192p6 years ago

It'd be good to collect videos for the hall speedrun courses in Lakewood town. We should have Level Leaderboards for these speedrun courses

Also, how would All Steam Achievements be different from pendant category? You'll need to do the konami code, grab 'n' go the tutorial, do all speedrun levels, and grab all hearts and books. Dunno if there's any other extra things to do.

jongyon7192p6 years ago

I think we can cut down on a ton of this. Like, before I opened this page I was expecting only any% and 100%, where both allow cheats but you start from a fresh save file. I suppose nothing can be done about how there's a free and expansion version. Multiplayer... I dunno.

Sorry, it was a lot to go through. A lot of these categories, people don't run, so there must be some way we can prune these, right...?

jongyon7192p6 years ago

The twitch link is broken. It has 2 slashes for some reason somehow, and has //v/ instead of /video/. PlsFixThnkU

Zanum les gusta esto
jongyon7192p6 years ago

I know there were a bunch of 100% runs that went on for dozens of hours and those were by far the most interesting categories for me. But they don't seem to be posted here?

At the very least, does anyone know where I can find them again? Really Really Long-a-thon did make me want to watch parts of it again.

teh_supar_hackr les gusta esto
jongyon7192p7 years ago

I mean, if anything, you'd think thay may become the "main" category if more people ran this game. it seems more apt for speedrunning to not include the boss.

hilo: Moirai
jongyon7192p7 years ago

This is awesome!! I played this once and it was nice. Sad it was gone, but at least we have this. Wonder how it'll work. Self hosted servers? LAN? Deep net? lol

jongyon7192p7 years ago

A lot of problems have been plaguing me... How do you make TAStudio start from a save state?

How do you make an input happen on the next visual frame? It always happen 2 frames later, and with one of the plugins, it happens 3 frames later.

Also, I tried doing the "Record Movie" thing (which doesn't let me use TAStudio for some reason) and I think it's preventing me from overwriting inputs I already made starting from a savestate? Even though I want to change my route. Is there any way I can branch out and stuff? (Edit: just do File -> Movie -> Read-Only. Disabling read-only mode let me write over the TAS.)

hilo: The Site
jongyon7192p7 years ago I tried everything even up to browsers and different devices. You click that Save button, you're gonna get that "404 Not Found --- nginx" message! What's even going on...?

It's important I change my notification settings from my defaults soon because I'm the mod of this game and I need to know when new runs get accepted and such.

jongyon7192p7 years ago

Raindrop is done by walking into wall so that you are exactly 1 pixel into the wall, after which the wall pulls you into the wall by another pixel. Even if you're 0.00000000067 of a pixel off from this position, you either will just stay slightly inside the wall (the wall neither push or pulls you), or you push too far, and the wall pushes you back out, in which you will "align" with the wall, and you can't drop into that wall anymore.

Now this is about ice raindrop, so here's ice physics. Your speed is incremented by 0.03 px/frame. That's it, really. If you start walking, your speed goes 0.03, 0.06, 0.09, and if you stop walking from full 3 px/frame speed, you go 2.97, 2.94, 2.91, 2.88, ... 0.06, 0.03, 0.00. Yes, that's 100 entire frames of slowing down. La-Mulana ice is super slippery!

So ice raindrop is just walking into a wall exactly 1 pixel in despite the ice physics' subpixel shenanigans. (subpixels is any value less than 1 pixel. It usually refers to developer-intended fixed numbers or decimal multiplications.)

RainDropDry found that, to do the ice raindrop, you grapple on a wall, which puts you 2 pixels away from the wall, then you just walk for exactly 10 frames, then let go. Let's see here... .03 + .06 + .09 + .12 + ... .24 + .27 + .30 + .27 + ... + .06 + .03. = What? Exactly 3 pixels! Now you're exactly 1 pixel into the wall, you're pulled, and now you can raindrop! So that's it, right...? Well...there's the developers-UNintended fractions, and this is personally where I lose my mind.

(Just wanna note that you don't need hermes boots. Ice doesn't care AT ALL. Even if you land on ice with 2.4px/frame speed (hermes boots speed), if you keep walking, the ice will increase your speed until you're at 3px/frame (default walking speed). If you land with higher speed (like grapple walljump) the ice sets your speed to 3, hermes or no.)

See that line up there? From here on, we're going deep. And I mean, you thought 0.03 pixels is small, you didn't see anything yet.

Floating point values (floats) are used to conveniently represent extremely small and extremely large numbers. But not all is perfect, because floats represent fractions in binary, meaning it has to use 0.5 (1/2), 0.25 (1/4), 0.125 (1/8), and so on. When a number like 1/5 is represented in binary, it'll be an infinite string of "1100"s, and floats will simply have to be rounded after 23 decimals.

What is our position and speed represented with? Floats. Why? ...Dunno. But it sure makes my job harder!

Remember that 0.03? It's not exactly 0.03. It's 0.030000000000000002. Or 0.03 + (1 / 424 quadrillion). Yes. 400 quadrillionth of a pixel. That is our floating point imprecision (fpi)!! Now don't worry, this was just an example. In our ice physics situation, our fpi will only go as far as 26 millionth of a pixel, so it's not as bad! ¤faints¤

To calculate fpi, I just take the exact float value I got, subtract the "intended" part, then throw just the "imprecision" part into wolfram alpha. And I get the exact fraction of the imprecision! That's it? Ezpz! (Wolfram Alpha basically does all your math homework to the first 2 years of college, so everyone should be using it by now.)

In the numbers [0.03, 0.06, 0.09, 0.12, 0.15, 0.18, 0.21, 0.27, 0.30, 0.27, 0.24, 0.21, 0.18, 0.15, 0.12, 0.09, 0.06, 1.03], I will line out all their fpi! (the last number is 1.03 cuz the wall pulls you in by 1 pixel at the same frame you do that last movement. I know, it's weird. No, it doesn't affect our calculations. I checked. Trust me on this wild ride.)

In terms of 26,214,400ths of a pixel: -7, +11, +4, -3, -10, +8, +1, -6, +12, +5, -13, -6, +1, +8, -10, -3, +4, +11, -7

You see something repeated here? 0.03 (or 1.03) to 0.24 all appear twice, and both times, they have the same fpi. No, they don't cancel each other out. And if they did, it would actually make all raindrops impossible because that 0.30 only appears once, and its fpi (which is guaranteed to exist) can never be canceled out using any sort of deliberate movement by an RTA player.

No, the truth of the canceling out FPIs is way weirder. (Or only slightly weirder. Look, I'm trying to keep your attention, alright?!)

If we add all the positive numbers, it adds up to 65. If we add all the negatives? -65. They cancel out...but why? I...HONESTLY don't know.

I mean, we can look at it this way, combining the repeating parts. 2¤ (-7 +11 +4 -3 -10 +8 +1 -6) +12 +5 -13 That is = 2¤(-2) +12 +5 -13 = 17 - 17 = 0

I don't know...but I think we got really lucky that the 21 FPIs happened to cancel out like this. How much time does this ice raindrop save?

I think this is the most useful I've been, researching floating point values, and that's just from picking up someone else's work and trying to find "WHY?"

Whaddya guys think? With just the fact that ice acceleration is 0.03 px/frame^2, this level of deduction is possible for Mulbruk~! Ohohoho~! (/uminekoMemes)

Timopy les gusta esto
jongyon7192p7 years ago

For the record, here's everything current. I'll try to update this when someone tells me to. Tell me if you, by any chance, are going to use this! There may be some new things that need to be updated, who knows. sry im lazy

jongyon7192p7 years ago

So there's a lot of endings that are just infuriating, and it might be better for runners and viewers if a lot of these are cut out.

  1. 666 clicks
  2. 276 clicks
  3. wait 60 seconds
  4. coffee (cuz you can't get this without these endings)

That makes 21 endings. Next, these endings, I'm on the fence about.

  1. Midnight (This just makes grinding runs a chore. You have to change system clock EVERY time. But nvm me if it's not much a problem for you guys.)
  2. Illuminati (This might affect each runner differently with closing and re-opening the game, but I'm not really sure. Does it?)
  3. The RNG endings. The stanley, bomber, & paper please endings. (I guess the RNG isn't THAT unfair, so maybe this isn't really a problem.)

Well, not really on the fence with #2 & #3, there probably isn't a problem with those, but I'm just checking here.

So it's likely gonna be a 20 Endings speedrun category. What do you guys think? This level of bullshitting up a new speedrun category is possible for Erika Furudo~!

OmegaFallon les gusta esto
jongyon7192p7 years ago

So this category is SUUUPER easy. So is Challenge, High-Level. ALL the Challenge difficulty time attacks are ez WRs now.

I think we need to make a list of skippable bosses. Some of these bosses are actually MAYBE skippable. You can rain drop to the RIGHT if you're in water or something. Some floors seem impossible to rain drop, but I wanna keep checking. Some rain dropping puts you IN the wall and seems to make it not worth doing.

Also, is there a save file for hell temple runs? Both easy mode and hard mode. Rain dropping there is gonna be great.

jongyon7192p8 years ago

Okay, I must come back to this topic because he did have a point that I did not realize. After doing a "play all" a run could just be less optimized overall, and still get the IL WR, as long as it lost less than 0.04 seconds. This is bad hindsight on my part, since 9 months ago, 0.04s was honestly not a difference of life and death.

Now? Uhh, not yet. But it's going to happen soon, as I believe I won't stop playing this game anytime soon. I haven't made a decision yet, and I think we shouldn't. And that's because we DON'T KNOW WHY doing "play all" IS faster. We know it does, and I figured it's consistently 0.04s faster with exception of 1-1 The Approach. But there's so many reasons that Play Alling would be faster, such as initial speed, or position, or some rounding thing, or something weird and stupid, or it's actually not exactly 0.04s faster in maybe 2 of the stages we haven't tested yet.

So whaddya think?

jongyon7192p8 years ago

I dunno, I'm probably really stupid.

Bad run, this was only after a few hours of runs. Will do more attempts later. Sub 50 seconds possible.

hilo: iZBOT
jongyon7192p8 years ago

Whaddya think if we had 3 rows of world 1~3, and 21 levels, each? Dunno if it'll look better.

jongyon7192p8 years ago

Game Name: Camera Obscura System: PC Category: Any% Gameplay Estimate: 0:40:00 Ending/Bonus Estimate: 0:00 Possible Donation Incentives: none Sample run video: (I should update this video, soon.) Description: A photographer climbs up a tower for some mysterious reason. She has the snapshot ability which copies surrounding platforms that follow her until they freeze after a timer, becoming new temporary platforms. But one thing, these copies move x1.4 times slower than the player. Using the copy ability, and this slight delay, I traverse all 58 levels in more than half the time the devs intended. Availability: all day every day

jongyon7192p8 years ago

Probably a stupid question, but what about Real Platinum God speedrun? If there's a 2 week speedrun, a bit more than a day is fine, too, isn't it?

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