Francejimeowan11 months ago

Wow great run! Only one restart too. Feels like it will be hard to beat except for a true no restarts run.

New Kabufuda Easy WR btw

Francejimeowan11 months ago

Congrats on this 4h run!!! I would have thought single-level 1000% times would have been filling first, you basically just did them all in one run. Just need to submit them with the same video I guess? :P

Francejimeowan11 months ago

Hold on did I see a 43" Kabufuda?!

Francejimeowan11 months ago

Wow you're on fire! I don't think I have finished one yet without cheating, and here you go finishing it fast as well :D

Dirkahles les gusta esto
Francejimeowan11 months ago

Yesss game on!

Dirkahles les gusta esto
Francejimeowan1 year ago

Impressive! That will be a tough one to beat

Francejimeowan1 year ago

Yeah the Sawayama one is insane, everything below 1'30 already feels pretty fast and satisfying... So getting below 1'10 is both about having the perfect seed AND super fast moves. I may have spent too much time on this.

A tip on Sigmar just in case: I gained some speed by setting the window to a lower resolution so that I don't have to move the mouse as much!

Dirkahles les gusta esto
Francejimeowan1 year ago

I got the game on mobile this summer, then at some point I realized that this could be a fun game to speedrun... Bought the PC version and started the grind immediately haha

It's cool to have 5-6 players around at the same time, makes the competition pretty fun

Dirkahles y TwelveNights les gusta esto
Francejimeowan1 year ago

Nice job! Full game run coming soon maybe? (at least No FF)

Francejimeowan1 year ago

The current rule for the end of a run is when "the win animation begins", which is reasonably but can be slightly tricky to get right with some of the animations (eg. wave effect in Sigmar, or the fade effect in Proletariat I think).

A more straightforward rule could be "The timer ends when the win counter increases". It's easy to check frame-by-frame for everyone, and works with all solitaires. The change wouldn't affect the times by more than a few tenths, which I think is okay at the current state of the leaderboards.

TwelveNights les gusta esto
Francejimeowan1 year ago

Yeah it was actually my point that if FF yields better win rates than Kabufuda maybe the latter is best to start a run.

Although personally, I'm way too inconsistent at FF for now (even a win can vary wildly in terms of duration), so I can't see myself start a 100% run with anything else.

EDIT: In the end I tried Kabufuda first for my 100% run. The FF segment took almost 9 minutes, I'll probably switch to FF first for my next attempts :,-)

Francejimeowan1 year ago

The numbers are rough estimates from my own playthroughs, although I'm considering starting manual counts to gauge my progress.

Glad to hear that FF can yield good win rates with enough practice. That means you can get an even better chance (20% maybe?) by starting a run with a Kabufuda victory. 20% sounds quite reasonable :)

Francejimeowan1 year ago

As I'm starting to prepare a run for the full game, I'm curious how crazy the "No restarts" category is. Currently my win rate for each solitaire - when I'm focusing hard - is roughly:

  • Sawayama - 50%
  • Sigmar - 50% (still have to learn to look deep into the board)
  • Proletariat - 80%
  • Cribbage - 30% (*)
  • Cluj - 80%
  • Kabufuda - 40% (still learning too)
  • ShenZhen - 70%
  • Fortune - 30%

Sawayama & ShenZhen are the solitaire I've played the most (100-200 wins each), and I don't think I can improve the former much.

Assuming I kick off a "No restarts" run with a FF win and scratch it off that list, that means any run has about 0.5*0.5*0.8*0.3*0.8*0.4*0.7 = .... 1.3% chance to succeed :,-) So not statistically impossible I guess, but we're well into the crazy spend-dozen-hours-not-giving-up levels of speedrun efforts.

So what are your own win rates?

*EDIT: From Discord discussions, it looks like Cribbage, with its predictable seeds, can be 100%'d by resetting a save before a run. That brings up our chances to 4.5%.

Francejimeowan1 year ago

Thanks Dirkahles! Looking forward to see you guys fight back, I'm sure there's more time to be found!

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Hobbyist game developer, and puzzle game enthusiast looking for cheap world records to grab ;-P
2 years ago
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