Englandflicky7 years ago

Going to keep this short and simple: As ESA is such a big even with people visiting from all over, I've often taken this as a chance to try and get people to bring beer I would otherwise not get to try. This year is no different and I thought that posting about it to maximise exposure would be a good idea.

Basically, I'm looking for people from certain countries (who are interested) to bring beer that I will either reimburse them for, or just share with them or whatever. There's a lot of great beer out there that I'll miss otherwise. I have a few simple examples, but if you're interested in helping out, respond with where abouts you're from or with a recommendation and I'll let you know!

Probably worth noting that it's quite easy for me to get beers from certain countries, which is why they're missing from the list:

Austria - Bevog Czech Republic - Kout na Šumavě Ireland - Galway Bay Two Hundred Fathoms Italy - Birra Baladin Xyauyu, Loverbeer Spain - Edge Brewing, Cerveses La Pirata Switzerland - 523, Brasserie BFM, Brasserie Trois Dames

If anyone is coming from the US and keen on beer, please let me know! There's a lot from there I'd love to try!

Good beer only please.

RiftyRTA, AMVX y 3 otros les gusta esto
Englandflicky7 years ago

Answers and comments by Fatzke:

@MartyrrSenpai: The game was shown quite a lot in the past in all kinds of marathons. We feel like there were no major improvements that justify another appearance this year.

@S.: Dear S-ther, we cut SWAT 4 because of your concerns regarding the successful completion of maps. None of the solutions presented was really satisfactory.

@Alko: We think that the run itself is not quite there yet with a lot of possibility for improvements and is highly unlikely to be fully fleshed out by the end of April.

@Harpa: Correct. We can always have the other one next year. :] About Lion King: We will monitor your progress and make a decision about this in April. If you both agree to turn it into a race we can do that as well if you get your time closer to TMR.

@Chfou: Quite frankly the Neptunia games and Chroma Squad we didn't find all that interesting. For Bulletstorm we liked the really unique category. We probably wouldn't have accepted any%, but all skillshots has the potential to be interesting throughout the whole run.

@Frozer: Less survivability makes for a more exciting run. (:

@Ellieceraptor: It's not the most exciting platformer, especially considering the length.

@Ponk: We really like the idea of blindfolded challenges. It's incredibly impressive and takes a lot of commitment. That being said, we also felt like being about about three hours long both runs overstayed their welcome quite a bit too, sorry.

@Kennyman: Noted!

@Baunsgaard: You basically gave the reason yourself. It's comparable in parts to Dear Esther (even though that's a very extreme example), which has the same problems.

@Shirdel: There was only really space for one Tekken tournament, so we prefer the "proper" game. We're also curious in how many people you can actually get for the character auction tournament. Gauge some interest and get back to one of us in April, it'll be important in the final decision making.

@Nepumuk: That was an oversight and happened before the forum post about the cuts being final was made. We fixed it in our final check. Sorry for the confusion.

@JayFermont: The cuts are being done differently this year. Last year we cut less than 10 percent in the first cut, this year we cut a bit more than 50% of overall time.

@Robo: You're amazing, never change.

More feedback by bangerra 24/03

@ZooKetra: After some discussion we decided this would only really work out if it were to be premiered at ESA, but to our understanding it will be out for quite a while by then. Most of the people interested will most likely have watched it by then, so we don’t feel too strongly about a big public showing.

@iiSalad: To be fair, I got stuck reading the games’ titles about 13.9 and a theoretical 2/3rds % through, so I’m quite content with having the least convoluted name pass through the cuts. If wou want a somewhat more sensical reasoning, I’ll have to refer you to Flicky as I have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about.

@Sphere / @Arctice: Parkour games by default aren’t really in our ‘Must-Have’ list and this one lacks a lot of visual flair. It basically looks like a Minecraft parkour map. I guess you can blame Mirror’s Edge and the like for it not making the cuts.

@Semmlbroesel: I guess we focused too much on the weak levels. Licenced / Tie-in games always have a hard time making us excited.

@Amateseru: OoT and SM64 have an incredibly high standard when it comes to these things. Considering we didn’t find all that much info about you or your runs, we had to give preference to some other more well know/better documented runners.

@SerSanju: We’re just not a fan of DLC runs, sorry.

@CartinaCow: Usually when a game is still in with multiple categories, it means that we just haven’t decided yet which one will be featured. To specifically answer your question, not much thought went into this specific case yet.

CartinaCow y Alko les gusta esto
Englandflicky7 years ago


ESA 2017 is a speedrunning centred community meetup and marathon. The doors are open from Friday the 21st of July until Sunday the 30th of July at 11:59pm The stream is planned to run from the evening of the 22nd of July the evening of the 29th of July. Mass Housing with cover this entire period and close on Monday the 31st at 10am.

[center][big]Round 1 Cuts![/big][/center]

As you've noticed, the format for cuts is a little different this year. We're keeping all the information on that page so that you can see all the runs if required. If a game is listed under "Phase 1" it means your game is still being considered. If it is left behind in "Phase 0" then your game will not be at ESA.

Up to this point we considered all facets of the run: skill, times, entertainment value, the runner themself and so on. Now we will go through all that again with a finer comb.

For many runners there is still a lot of work to be done on improving times and we actively encourage you to start on that now - we'll be looking at times from now until the schedule is out and taking that into account. Keep updating your times, leaderboards, estimates and practice hard for the event. Feel free to post about progress here and discuss new things found - this helps us a lot with keeping up with each game.

A few games (Breath of the Wild, Yooka-Laylee and NieR: Automata etc.) were submitted before the games were released. We will need to see a lot of hard work going into these games and good times being posted by the runners. We understand that they may be large draws to the marathon, but we will hold these runs to the same quality standard as any other. At the moment they are through on the chance that they make great runs.

Please continue to share any limitations for when your run can be. We would like to get these before the 28th of April.

Finally, we have not given individual reasons for each cut purely because of the sheer amount of time it takes. We will have a second post below this one where we can edit in responses. If you want to know why your game was cut, please ask and we'll share our answers.

havrd, MLSTRM y 5 otros les gusta esto
Englandflicky7 years ago

You may have noticed that the submission page is showing some games as passing the cuts. We're working on it as we go.

Alko, SerSanju y 2 otros les gusta esto
Englandflicky7 years ago

Edit/Delete submission options are now available!

Check the three dots to the right of your submission for a drop down menu!

Englandflicky7 years ago

Regarding the extra information on the schedule, it was removed due to a misunderstanding and will be back up later today.

Trollbear666 les gusta esto
Englandflicky7 years ago

Joka: click "Show Extra Info" at the top.

Joka les gusta esto
Englandflicky7 years ago

Use the speedrun form for stuff like that. Could happily be on stream.

Englandflicky7 years ago


ESA 2017 is a speedrunning centred community meetup and marathon. The doors are open from Friday the 21st of July until Sunday the 30th of July at 11:59pm The stream is planned to run from the evening of the 22nd of July the evening of the 29th of July. Mass Housing with cover this entire period and close on Monday the 31st at 10am.

This post was written by flicky

The Game submission and scheduling team are flicky, bangerra, Fatzke. We will be once again reaching out to individuals and game communities regarding runs, rules and so on to help us make our decisions as we have done in previous years.

The stream will run from Saturday the 22nd until Saturday the 29th of July 2017. Please let us know in your submission comments if you will be unavailable on any of these dates. The second stream will start later and finish earlier than the first (exact time frame still being decided).

Once again, this year's Game Submissions will be using a form that will be linked here, do not suggest games in a post! The form should be very self-explanatory and will contain every option from donation incentives to commentators and so on. We will have a preview for you available so you know what you will be working with! Submissions this year will be for all content, including non-gaming (second stream talks or demonstrations) and non-speedrun content (points runs, rhythm games). Not complying with the rules will cause your submission to be ignored. This thread is for listing the rules and is open for game discussion! Game submissions will open on Tuesday the 14th of February and close on Wednesday the 1st of March at 23:59 CET.

Our Philosophy When deciding whether a suggested game will fit into the final schedule, we will consider the following: Length, entertainment value and commentary quality. We will be looking at these three qualities over others such as game popularity.

For example, long games (4 hours or more) are harder to put in the schedule due to how many games could be put in their place. Long games can and still will make it in, but will require more consideration than a shorter game. There should be more space for longer games this year with the return of the second stream.

Additionally, the entertainment value of runners, games and commentary is taken into consideration. If you're running a game that had a limited release, but is incredibly entertaining or has fantastic commentary, your game is still likely to get in. We also place stock in the scenes and communities around these games and previous marathon runs and runner behaviour (if appropriate).

Rules for Submissions There will be a limit of 5 different games for submission. You can submit multiple categories for a single game (please don’t abuse this system), but no more than 5 different games can be listed. Non-complete game categories will be allowed provided they are accepted by the individual communities. Any additional games over the five will be ignored. If you are playing one game as part of a relay, the other relay games do not count towards your personal total.

Submitted games must adhere to Twitch's streaming policy. Pitching games that you have not yet learnt or mastered is OK. But you need to show significant (weekly) progress after the point that your suggestion passes the first cut. Please note that this year, you will have less time to get to a good enough level as the window for cuts are smaller.

When you submit your game, you should provide a short blurb about the game and video link such as those seen here as well information about your progress in the game. We suggest adding your times to the leaderboards for your game (or making your own!) so we can more easily keep track of times. If your community uses other leaderboards, please link them in your comments.

If you are submitting races, relays, co-op games or anything else with multiple people, one runner will be required to submit the run and list the other runners. The other runners will be required to confirm that they are willing to run the game through This should be easy to do through the form. If you suggest a race and your race partner does not, then we will make it a single player run.

Games should be submitted with a reasonable estimate not including setup time. The estimate should consider everything that can go wrong as well as any additional content that you may wish to show off. Remember that you may have been awake for forty hours having fun before your run! It is much better to err on the side of caution and overestimate. You will be able to adjust your estimate time later on and you are advised to do so! Don’t add an inaccurate time in the hope that it will appear more impressive and increase the chance that you are accepted!

There will be two rounds of selections: The first will pick out all the games we're interested in, mostly regardless of runner skill. The second round will cut down to the games we want in the marathon and will be placed in the schedule on the 1st of May.

Second Stream? The second stream will not run 24/7 and will start a few days into the event and end slightly earlier. We’re excited to fill this with really great runs and the quality for the runs and runners is no lower than the first stream. We will not be moving runs from the first to the second stream or leapfrog new runs straight to the first stream prior to the event starting. During the event, we may need to move runs between the streams to keep time, but we will only do this if absolutely required. If you do not want your game to appear on the second stream, please state so in your submission. This will affect your chances at getting the game into the marathon.

Only Two Weeks? While two weeks for submissions may seem small, we have realised over the years that a vast majority of the submissions take place in the first few days and there's a huge drought in the middle. The extra time is often filled with extra games submitted by runners who already have other games. In the interest of just making the whole process more efficient, we are just giving two weeks for submissions so please spread the word! Tell everyone well in advance about submissions! Remember to #blameflicky.

Deposit? Once again there is no deposit, but make sure you buy your tickets!. Runners without tickets by the time the schedule is due will be chased up.

Schedule Organiser Information:

If you have any questions, post in this thread or PM either flicky, bangerra or Fatzke on the ESA Discord. Non-private PMs may be posted in this thread if we feel they would be helpful to others.

SSBMstuff, Zachoholic y 13 otros les gusta esto
Englandflicky7 years ago

If we opt to have such a person, it will be a member of the main organising team. You can speak to staff individually if you feel there is a problem, but if someone acts as an absolute representative for the attendees, it will only cause greater issues in the long run: everyone being punished for a few people being noisy is only going to be amplified if we present ourselves as a single entity. We've talked with the hotels about trying to separate event attendees from the other guests at the hotel to the best of their ability and about the notes, and that they've promised that it won't happen again

We understand that Scandic didn't respond in a great way to the noise complaints, but at the end of the day there were noise complaints. If the hotel doesn't communicate between its own staff or plans and responds to problems poorly, that is the hotel's issue and no amount of having someone talk to them is going to change it. The hotel has already made its money and it's unlikely that a hotel of Scandic's quality is going to change policy or staff behaviour just for us. They've already got our money.

People staying at the hotel are all individuals, despite being there under the same umbrella. My advice is to stay at a different hotel if you didn't like the previous one. This is what I, and many other people are planning on this year.

Alko y Cereth les gusta esto
Englandflicky7 years ago

Hey, just to say, if you want a new timing method, maybe don't remove all the runs completely from the website before even contacting people to get the demos from them.

Honestly, that's really shitty of you.

Ihsoy y SirRed64 les gusta esto
Englandflicky7 years ago


ESA 2017 is a speedrunning centred community meetup and marathon. The doors are open from Friday the 21st of July until Sunday the 30th of July at 11:59pm The stream is planned to run from the evening of the 22nd of July the evening of the 29th of July. Mass Housing with cover this entire period and close on Monday the 31st at 10am.

Venue: Fortnox Arena Hejaregatan 5, 352 46 Växjö Sweden

This thread serves to collect all key information and threads into one place. At least it will when more is around.

Visitor guide We have a visitor guide for all attendees. Please check it out!

ESA 2017 visitor guide

**Submission & Schedule Dates** Submissions open: 14th-28th of February First cuts: 20th of March Final cuts & schedule: 1st of May

Schedules can be located at:

**Streams** Stream 1 will be on the ESA twitch channel, It runs from 18:00 on Saturday 22 July to approx 2200 on Saturday 29 July, 24 hours a day.

Stream 2 will be produced by GeekyGoonSquad and hosted on their channel, It runs from 10am to late evening, Monday 24 July to Saturday 29 July.

Hotels Once again, we have promotional rates with the Scandic and the Quality Hotel Royal Corner, and mass housing available in Tipshallen

Hotels thread

We have a bicycle hire scheme available for all attendees

Bike Hire thread

Registration and Payment This year you can buy either a full week or a final weekend ticket.

Registration thread

Lead Organiser's Information:

If you have questions about the event, please contact any of us on the ESA Discord and make sure to follow ESA's twitter account!

Name: Edenal (Head Organiser) Name: oasiz (Tek God) Name: flicky (Games & People) Name: bangerra (Games) Name: Ontwoplanks (Tech Laird) Name: KrazyRasmus (Event Space Man)

Nord, Mr_Shasta y 94 otros les gusta esto
Englandflicky8 years ago

Pac is behind Arctice, check the google doc.

Englandflicky8 years ago

Draft 2 of the schedule updated on the same link.

Please let us know if anything is wrong.

This will mostly be the final schedule excepting any problems.

Englandflicky8 years ago

@kejsmaster - Zelda is always hard to decide on. We opted for Ocarina just because that generally draws the biggest crowd and pleases the most people. We couldn't fit in too much Zelda this year due to tight space. On top of that, Joden's MST time is closer to WR.

@MizterConfuzing - When we thought about the game some more, we realised that there's no way that we could run the game without the chat becoming a complete mess. As interesting as speedrunning a letsplayers game is, we just didn't think it would pass without incident.

@tocaloni - Knight Rider just didn't look interesting enough for such a long run.

Going to lock this thread, so please post followups in the Schedule thread or message me!

Englandflicky8 years ago


ESA 2016 will be open from Saturday the 23rd of July at 8am until Monday the 1st of August at noon. Click here to visit the master thread!

This post was written by flicky

The Game submission and scheduling team are flicky, bangerra, Fatzke.

[centre][big]Final Schedule[/big] [/centre]

This is draft 1, we will be tweaking the schedule until we're happy with it. Please let us know about any problems you have. Generally the changes won't be too huge, but we will move games around to make things more cohesive for viewers and for tech. Making this can really jar the brain and stop you seeing things too clearly, so if you see anything in the schedule that seems stupid, just say so in this thread, we might've missed something.

¤edit¤Prime Time With only a single stream and more quality submissions than ever, we tweaked our approach this year to extend "prime time" until about 4am, hopefully allowing some people in US timezones to catch more runs they might be interested in than usual. While it sounds strange for 4am to be called prime time, we've decided to give it a shot this year and see if it keep viewing figures higher through typically quiet shifts.

What about drop-outs? We're having a slightly different approach for drop outs this year. We will not be replacing them until we have reached a maximum for additional setup buffers. Currently we're confident we can stay on schedule, but instead of replacing all cut games, we will instead increase certain setup buffers. If we get to approximately 20 hours of setup windows (we're currently at 12.5) then we will start replacing any additional games.

Now this may sound like a strange choice, but we're opting to approach it this way so that we can hopefully (but not necessarily) run early while on site and put in extra runners there and then without messing up the approach of the marathon too much in advance and without needing to chase up runners who were rejected to see if they are still going etc.

(If you attend ESA and your game got past the second round of cuts but rejected in the third, please let us know when at the venue so we know we can add your game if necessary).

Sorry for being a minute late.

Abilienkov3, EloiseMomo y 16 otros les gusta esto
Englandflicky8 years ago


ESA 2016 will be open from Saturday the 23rd of July at 8am until Monday the 1st of August at noon. Click here to visit the master thread!

This post was written by flicky

The Game submission and scheduling team are flicky (great dancer), bangerra (pukey), Fatzke (sleepy).

[centre][big]Round 3 - "I Mean, The Cuts Themselves Are Done... Why Not Post Them Early?"[/big] [/centre]

We were early on this so thought we'd get them out today. Schedule will be sometime in the next 72 hours, give or take 72 hours.

Alko, Daggyboi y 22 otros les gusta esto
Englandflicky8 years ago

To all runners: We will be starting work on the schedule this Tuesday so we need to know any availability limitations by then! Don't be late!

Englandflicky8 years ago

@Mergy - because I'm the only one dumb enough to want Yu-Gi-Oh so we had to compromise =P

Mergy les gusta esto
Englandflicky8 years ago

Alright, I've hopefully covered everything posted up until this point. Most of the reasoning is up on the doc now. If there is anything missed, please post here again or message me.

Apologies for being a bit slow on this, we have plans to make it up to you guys though.

SerSanju les gusta esto
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