American SamoaWhitePythonAG5 years ago

Sorry for the bad english.

ult1matum les gusta esto
American SamoaWhitePythonAG5 years ago

As we all know the viper shit got a backlash due to ifruit app use. This time allegations are real hard and with proofs. We have some proofs against viper that he use hacks and script change to chamge RNG of the game in his favour. And we are going to post it soon. But we want to know what will you all do if the allegations were proved to be true. The viper has nore than 5600hrs of gameplay time and he use scripts to change the gameplay of gta 5 in his favour. Previously he was alleged to defame TorilsLV and other streamers with the bot party that he use to raid other streamers. I bet most of the other streamers on twitch are getting raids for no reason. We have proof for that too. Viper, we are talking to you now. Accept the mistake and embrace it while you still has the time. Once the proofs were out there we fear that will be too late. Thank You.

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