WeaponLord4 years ago


I think that anyone will take huge risks when going to a single level speedrun that wouldn't do in a one sit run. So I thought like, any single level time will be different (better) than the full run... But, about the first one, I see what you mean...

I think the only way to handle it is like this:

if player starts a full run and have a really really good time on first level, that he wants to use it in the level category, he can use the fragment of that video, the time of that particular level can be considered (despite of livesplit time shown on screen) It wouldn't be a problem for me at least. If the runner wants to make the video more clean, he could do a simple quick edit, just to put another time on the bottom or something... But again it wouldn't be needed, I can consider the correct time on first level in any way that is possible.

WeaponLord4 years ago


I agree with you about rules description and the time starting when level starts.

I only have a problem with when the time finishes and I will try my best to explain the reason:

The bosses and the portals have ending animations. But most stages don't.

For the player it's easy to feel his last input when he loses control of duke. But for anyone watching the video it isn't as precise.

I'm not saying anybody would have a problem with this for the time being. But since is a definitive rule system, we gotta be prepared for when more runners come in future and having a simple and the easiest way of timing is the way to go :)

I had problems with others games I moderate that have tons of runners now when creating the rules without a proper and easy way to finish time, It became hard for runners and mods, each one ends his time in a different second.

With the time ending when the level complete screen appears it will be a standard easy way for everyone to end the time.

As for keeping level times consistent with full runs I think it wouldn't be a problem. It's a complete different category. We won't have any weapons or jetpack to start with. So the times will be completely different from full runs. (except for first level and challenge ones)

At the end of the day, each player splits his own time differently in full game.

For individual levels it's easier to have a way to finish time where everyone can perceive a specific frame.

WeaponLord4 years ago

Important things to mention is leaderboard will have both times RGT and IGT.

But the Real Time will be the verifiable time for the leaderboard since the challenge stages don't have a In game time and the Ingame time doesn't count tenths of a second/centiseconds

WeaponLord4 years ago

Ok, I will set the individual levels category


ACTIVATE THE LEVEL SELECT: While paused press Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Up. The Level Select will be available in Main Menu.

  • Time Starts when player Select the Level

  • Time Ends when the In-Game time is shown on screen

WeaponLord4 years ago

When you say "component recorder" you mean composite/AV? or actual component? If your snes has component output that's great, Try to get a used component-only capture devidce they are cheaper than new one these days, it will get the perfect quality and worth every cent

hilo: Talk
WeaponLord4 years ago

I dunno because I don't know how people see my username in reality lol

WeaponLord4 years ago

Instead of any cheats I was thinking on having like a category "Inifinite JetPack %" or something =) It would be a lot of fun

But I still think Cheats would be too spoiled in a game that doesn't have more than 3 runners....

The problem with too many categories is that it disencourages new runners to try the main categories.

Let's see what everyone thinks about it

WagnerBrasil les gusta esto
WeaponLord4 years ago

I'm in favour to Individual levels, since the game finally has at least 3 runners.

I think it's great to start on "Level Select" in Menu instead of load or new game. It also adds a challenge to complete the levels without weapons and jetpack So it would be a total different run than the levels in new game

WagnerBrasil les gusta esto
WeaponLord4 years ago

@Oreo321 A million Thanks!!

I will try a complete new configuration as to see if it fits how I want.

I think somehow before formating my hard drive I used to have sum of best in layout and I totally forgot it. So I now thought it was standard for default configs...

I can't thank you enough, man. You saved my runs =)

Oreo321 les gusta esto
WeaponLord4 years ago

@Oreo321 So now I have a new PB, my current PB is at the end as final time on my live split. My PB is 37:18

But my question is "how do I get to put my final time based on my best splits?"

I mean: if my best splits have a sum of a suposed 36:00 PB I want that time to appear as refference on my live split.

I used to have the time like that but now I can't manage to put it anymore =(

WeaponLord4 years ago

@Oreo321 I first reset my runs after last boss manually with right click - reset

Now after the final time is showm I use the space bar (my key for "split")

I will try leave the config as you (best segments only and and simple sum unchecked)

and give another run just to see how it goes

WeaponLord4 years ago

Oreo321 That was exactly what I was doing. Only reseting at the end

First time I did like you said, tapping this last split it worked out! It had my best time at the end based on my very best splits.

But then it got stucked again keeping always my personal final record. And not a total time based on my best splits.

I dunno what am I doing wrong :(

My configs are like this

RIGHT CLICK: Settings:

( Y ) Simple Sum of best calculation

( Y ) Warn on reset if better times


( Y ) Best Segments

( Y ) Best Split Times

Is it right?

Sorry if I'm not doing something obvious on livesplit, as english is not my first language.

WeaponLord4 years ago

At the end of the run I reset and get the warn to save my best segments. I choose Yes to save.

Even so, my saved splits don't get updated.

At the moment My PB in a game is 39:03 but my live split keep mantaining the old time 39:29 as refference.

Is it a bug? Or I need to configure something?

WeaponLord4 years ago

It looks too unconsistent. And useless for time saving. Interesting though

hilo: The Site
WeaponLord4 years ago

@diggitydingdong @Oreo321 @shenef

I'm in the site for a while and I didn't remember that before it was used. '-' It was not a complain thread. Was more out of curiosity. If administrators used to take notes on category, developers, publishers, or something.

But I feel you all. It would be nice to have the old search engine back. Hope admins work on that someday.

WeaponLord4 years ago


I can't find Live Speedruns of this event on the quakecon channel itself, but someone uploaded on this other channel:

I hope it's ok to post it.

WeaponLord4 years ago

@Seydie I thought it was deleted lol. Thank You! I appreciate it! ^^

hilo: The Site
WeaponLord4 years ago

When requesting a game or moderating a game, we set Tags like "Developer" , Publisher" "Type of game (fighting, racing, vehicular combat)"

But those Tags can't be seen by users (only mods) and they don't appear on search. For example, there's no way of sort games by developer or publisher on search.

So I'm just curious about those tags. What are they used for in reality?

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