Texas, USAWallguy10 months ago

Pending any unforeseen testing issues, I would very much like resolution and fps mods to be allowed. They are easy to use and considerably improve the experience.

Texas, USAWallguy1 year ago

Turbo is not currently allowed for Twin Snakes. It's not explicitly in the rules because most speedruns in general do not allow turbo. Some other MGS games eventually legalized turbo. The main argument was due to accessibility for people with physical disabilities or challenges. Mainly stuff like Solidus torture which on some versions/difficulties you had to fastly mash for around a minute and it turned people off who couldn't do it or just didn't want the arm pain. In the end it was allowed for the whole game which saves significant time over someone who does not use turbo.

Twin Snakes has no such impossible torture sequences. Codecs can be auto-skipped. Cut-scenes do not require turbo mashing to move through optimally.

I don't support turbo for Twin Snakes on emulator or console. The emu category was created with the intent to open the game up to more people since the game has become increasingly more expensive. Ultimately the goal is to merge the emu and console categories down the line if/when a version of Dolphin releases that matches the Gamecube experience. (we're getting closer than you might think with newer versions.)

As such the continued intent is to keep rules of running on emu as close to console as possible. So no widescreen mod, exotic settings, fast disc speed, and no turbo.

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Texas, USAWallguy3 years ago

The idea I think is just to fairly reproduce the game as it was on original hardware, which most major emulators and official releases seem to do. I used the Kega Fusion Emulator for my attempts and it plays just like it does on my Genesis. I don't imagine the steam version being a problem. That is the PC version after all which is one of the options for submitting.

There's not much else to know. Just record your entire attempt in one sitting from title screen to end credits with no interruptions. Timing starts when you gain control of your character and ends as the screen fades to white when you place the 16 rings at the end in Cartahena.

It's cool to see a new runner around these parts. Good luck in your attempts and feel free to post questions in this forum if you come up with any.

Texas, USAWallguy4 years ago

There is a video tutorial. It is a bit old but will get you a long way toward a good time. You could also join the MGSR discord and talk to other runners directly with any questions that come up.

Texas, USAWallguy4 years ago

There have been many PS2 runs over the years, they just aren't submitted here because they were completed when this leaderboard didn't exist. Most of the active/recent MGS3 runners started after the HD collection came about and have very little knowledge or interest in PS2. Due to hardware differences it makes a lot of sense for platform separation. But if you have interest in PS2 runs, be a leader and submit one. It might spur others to follow you to the same task. Snake Eater in particular is very different than HD and PS2 Subsistence. So lots of interesting strats can be found/showcased, making for an interesting run. Subsistence however plays much like the HD collection but with super slow loads. The PS2 versions DO have a lot of weird glitches being discovered, so that's definitely worth a look.

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Texas, USAWallguy4 years ago

It's unofficial hardware so the default answer should always be no. BUT I'm fine with discussing this on its own merits. Needing a JP copy is annoying. Needing CFW is just as annoying if not more. If loading times were truly identical perhaps the option wouldn't be an issue. I'm just not sure it is so cut and dry. How thoroughly have load times been tested? If we properly and thoroughly test and times are equal within margin of error, the next step would be another question. How can we be sure that different and advancing CFW over time doesn't give someone an unfair advantage? The loading times of today may not be the loading times of tomorrow. And finally, with the PS3 cracked and open for manipulation, more tools will be available for the cheaters of the world. Ultimately we'd probably catch them, but that is an additional annoyance to consider. If we can meet the above considerations with strong evidence from testing it would go a long way towards the confidence we'd need to allow this. Essentially, if performance equality is well proven I wouldn't have a problem.

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