
The one Emu run on the leaderboard by SimpleAttack is actually not complete. Once you beat the final boss, after the cutscene, it boots you back to the world map where you have to select the village in order for the last cutscene to play to then go to credits. Here's a casual playthrough someone did on youtube that shows it just booting you to the world map after the final boss. (Check at 23:55)

The game still let's you select any location, but you still need to select the village in order to beat the main story of the game. The run by SimpleAttack doesn't show this and just stops on the final hit on the final boss. I know for some games time stops on the final boss, but that usually happens when there's nothing left to select.

The rule needs to be changed to where time ends when credits start.

I uploaded the image showing some patterns to the Resources Section. Few things to Note thou.

#1 It's not 100% perfect. Sometimes it's not even close, other times the cards, but they're in the wrong place by like a card or 2. However they do seems to be in the correct locations enough times for this to be worth it.

#2 Stronger Enemies Groups seem to appear more often, but usually at the very start before you can deal with them. First encounter Onion/3 Orange Saibamen, no items and can't escape...that's a reset. I've had this happen more then I'd like.

#3 It seems to work better (If at all) when you start the run at a certain time. Let the Title Intro play out and then you see Vegeta with the scouter, it'll shine, then start flashing over and over. Right when it's about to flash the 10th time, press START and then instantly after, press A and you'll select New Game and start the run.

#4 I play using the English Patch (Red Comet's), so I don't know if this works on JP original. As of now, I use FCEUX 2.2.3.

I'm confused sense I did a soft reset in town once I beat the first dungeon, but it didn't work and I got a different dungeon layout. Do you have to beat both dungeons for it to work? Also does this tricky work for all regions or does it only work for JP?

So in this game , you can glitch the bosses to turn into a normal zombie, and then after defeating the normal Zombie, move on a bit and then skip the cutscene that plays after defeating said boss, but your in a different spot/making progress. There is, as of now, 3 locations we know we can trigger this. However, only one is actually worth doing.

The First boss can be glitched by taking the last zombie we normally go past to enter the hall before the next room with the boss. We have that zombie follow us close enough and then enter where the boss is. If done right, the zombie will swing at us while the boss fight cutscene plays. Sadly, the setup is slow and it makes you lose about 6-8 seconds compared to just doing the fight. Also even after doing the setup, if the zombie decides to walk away right away, it can possibly cancel the glitch anyway, which would make you lose even more time.

The Boss Fight using Leon with the Gas Grenade in the Basement Machine room of the Boat is the next one. There are stairs you go down and then right a bit to fight the boss. to the left of those stairs is a zombie you can trick into following you like the other zombie before. This also loses time by about 0-6 seconds. The reason I say0-6 is cause If you fight the boss normally and get the quick kill, you save about 6 seconds. If you don't get the quick kill, it should take you about another 4-6 seconds to kill. So at worst fight cases if you're doing things right, the glitch only breaks even at absolute best and if the glitch fails due to the zombie walking away, you lose about 4 seconds.

The Last 2 back to back bosses at the end can be glitched and is the only one that's worth doing. The bottom room right before the boss, which is just standing there, there is a zombie in there. You want to stand in the doorway, hugging the right wall, but have him notice you. Once he grabs you, you'll be released and not enter the fight no matter what. If during the music that played it goes into yet another music track, then the glitch worked. Once released straight up and you should see a random zombie has spawned trying to get you. Just keep heading straight up sense it's grab won't do anything. You'll squeeze between him and the right wall and are able to now trigger the boss. If fully done right, the zombie will try to grab at you again while you're stuck. The fight should now be the zombie. after killing it, go through the right door and just keep holding right and ignore the other zombie that's spawn just under that door. After the cutscene, you should see one of two things, ether a pixel glitched boss or the boss fully there, but just stuck in place. If it's pixel glitched, just hold right and go through it to enter the final cutscene. If it's fully there , but stuck in place, instead go up while avoid the other zombies and sooner or later the final cutscene will play. This glitch is very annoying to pull off, but if you do, you save around 25-35 seconds. Some of that is skipping the bosses and some of that is more if you skipped getting the back up grenades during the Barry submarine escape section (that's about 6-8 seconds).

So while all of these in a run are cool/swag points, only the last one actually saves time.

Skipping Flowey skips all the story parts of the game for the most part, so it doesn't count towards the normal category runs. I'm guess the goal would be around 5 minutes or so. The only fight in this is against the bat as long as you can time it right to skip the normal battles. Here's a video I made so you can see more about it.

If anyone thinks they might be able to make a rando for this game, that'd be really great. I think this is the YuGiOh game that needs a Rando the most. I already made a pastebin of ideas. https://pastebin.com/rTicWNgA

FarmingSim les gusta esto

I should be obvious that turbo controllers and anything related to turbo will no be aloud for this leaderboard. Someone tried to submit a run with turbo and some super game breaking glitches that beat the game (Any%) in under 1 hour. Any% under an 1 hour is an obvious sign that something is wrong.

First the one I already said on my comment of my first submitted run. I'd like to have 3 Players, 4 Players, and 5 Players added.

The second one is adding a new rule. You see during gameplay you can go to the menu and turn gameplay animations off. This only works for Classic cause as soon as you switch to Arcade Mode, the game switches the animations back on.

So because of that and I feel the Gameplay Battle Animations is what helps make the game enjoyable, I think to play things safe a Rule must be added where in Classic Mode, the Battle Animations must be left on during runs.

I don't know for sure if that considered a given, but I say add the rule just in case.

Boss 1: With Handgun, 6 Crits and 1 Normal hit.

Boss 2 and 3: With Rifle, 3 Crits

Boss 4: 1 Gas Grenade and 3 Rifle shots

Sub Captain Boss: 1 Gas Grenade

Can skip rest of Bosses.

FalseMythology, FlameScion y 2 otros les gusta esto

So Magfmur found this trick, but doesn't quite know how it fully works. I managed to figure it out. What happens is if you open the Menu right before a forced encounter, it actually moves this encounter to a later time in the area. In some cases you'll have to do this more then once in an area.This is what I found out Also keep in mind that this trick will show where for the Demo only for now. This trick might not even be there for the full version.

For Neutral and Pacifist:

1st Encounter: Menu right before the darker floor and again after flipping the Middle Switch. In the next room, Menu before the middle of the 2nd bridge.

2nd Encounter: Menu when you character is halfway past the Vines.

3rd Encounter: The trickiest one for sure. Menu before halfway of the wall or corn to your left. Now due to the room being huge, you can actually push this encounter further back with each menu cancel. I recommend doing a menu cancel every 3-4 steps. That should be just enough to get to the next room.

4th Encounter: Menu right before your face reaches halfway past the end of the 2nd Pillar.

5th Encounter: Menu right before your face reaches the beginning of the vine. Menu again right before reaching the halfway point of the darker floor. In the next room after opening the cave entrance from a distance, Menu instantly.

Genocide: You WANT Encounters so don't use this trick.

Golden Pear: To Be Edited Later.

There are so many RNG Moments that some seem possible to remove while others don't. I think I learned some ways, but not 100% sure. This Comment will be edited when more info is found.

Movement/Battle Cards: This is RNG not worth trying to removing. I've seen a TAS or 2 even having trouble with this. This goes for both you and the enemies. RNG too strong here.

Enemy Encounters: This is where most time can be saved. I think I'm slowly on to something here. Seems that being on a Water Tile or closer to the Boss of the Map makes stronger encounters happen more often. This might not be the case however.

7-Card Item match Mini-game: This is something I think could be messed with. Sadly the only thing I've noticed is that the Bulma Item Card seems to appear a lot. Bulma heals so little HP that it's basically a waste of Inventory Space. Need More chances of Escape, Korin, Chi-Chi, and Gramp Gohan Item Cards.

Rock Carry Mini-game: There are 4 different versions of this. Rock Carry(Everyone can do), Snake Road Rock Carry(Goku), Bubbles Rock Carry(Goku), and Gregory Rock Carry(Goku). Even thou they play all the same, because the names are different, I think all 4 have a different RNG Path. Combine that with the fact you use the Movement/Battle Cards, you can't trick this one.

I was wondering if anyone might be interested in running some of these games. These are really fun to run(Believe it or not on some). If you do decide to run one of these, Whisper me on Twitch cause it doesn't warn me about getting a PM.

(NES) DBZ: Kyoushuu Saiyajin (Can use Eng. Patch and Made a guide.) DBZ Sagas (Only do it if you can take the pain, also Gamecube is best.) (GBC) Resident Evil Gaiden (This game doesn't deserve all the hate it gets.) Five Nights at F¤¤Kboy's Series (Even if you don't like and are tired of FNAF, this is still worth running.) King's Quest 1-7 and VGA Remakes 1 and 2 (Now THIS is a series that needs more love.)

Easiest one to learn would be DBZ: Kyoushuu Saiyajin, though it is the longest run.

Hardest is King's Quest 3 for sure because there is no run of it, it's typing based, and you have to make so many spells that you would need to remember pages of text for them. Honestly would try avoiding this one.

They are made to encourage people to run the game.

Stages 2-4 won't use Piccolo because you could just Overlevel him on the first stage and just break them, which is no fun.

Stages 5 and 6 won't have separate categories due to the same reason plus the fact that if you will do stages 5 and 6, you might as well do Any%.

Also recommend using save states to set up the 2 characters you'll use for stages 2-4. Have fun. :)

Ok so my Any% run didn't get all the points. After some testing it turns out the New Desert Strat didn't cause this. Also it turns out after looking at Pawdugan's run, his Any%/100% run isn't 100% ether. I know this because when he saved, he had 231 Points. Use the cheese is 5 and the whole boss fight gives you 20. 231+25=256 256/260. I know he's off by 4 points because he didn't wait for the game to tell him he's hungry. So when he ate the lamb, it didn't give him the points.

Now I did everything I know is right to get 100% including the Lamb, but somehow I ended up getting only 252 points, 4 more points lost then Paw. So WTF happened? Is there a glitch or something where the game doesn't give you points for no reason?

Edit: For Reference, here is a page showing where you get all the points from. http://www.sierrahelp.com/Misc/PointLists/KQ5Points.html

Edit 2: I looked at the other 2nd place 100% run and that isn't 100% ether. The points there are the same as my Any% WR run. I'm starting to think 100% is not possible. You know the run is 100% if you have 235 Points before throwing the cheese in the machine.

SOLUTION FOUND: Give Stick to Dog and Boot to Cat, Don't use the Iron Bar/Gate Glitch

There are some Skips in the game, but they are very tricky.

The Harpies Skip (No example)

The Castle Grate Skip:

The Magic Book Reading Skip:

The Ice Queen Skip:

I don't think the Ice Queen Skip was ever known. I knew about the other 3 though. In terms of which ones are easier, Castle Grate Skip is the easiest, then Magic Book Reading Skip, then it's probably a tie between the Harpies Skip and Ice Queen Skip for being the hardest.

Sadly all of these Skips are Frame Perfect. A Mouse button isn't the only thing you want to mash. For Castle Grate Skip and Magic Book Reading Skip, mash Mouse and Enter Buttons together. For Harpies Skip and Ice Queen Skip, mash Mouse and Esc Buttons Together.

One annoying problem I've been experiencing with the VGA Remakes is that in Windowed Mode, the Mouse/Cursor will not stay in the Game Window. This is a Problem because Windowed Mode is best for recording runs. You'll lose a good chunk of time as soon as you accidentally click out of the window.

If anyone knows how to fix this problem let me know.

Their are 4 more Games that need to be added. KQ1 VGA Remake, KQ2 VGA Remake, KQ3 VGA Remake, and KQ3 VGA Redux. I've done runs of KQ1 VGA Remake and plan to do the second one. I never really liked the 3rd game, but it has 2 remakes so it's only fair that they are added as well.

A while back Daneildfrz, Werster, and I all decided on the rules on separate story runs. Can use a completed file, use default Emerl, and timer ends when the screen fades to black/before the Journal Text. Well someone has messed up the rules.

Now it says you have to use a new file,use any cards that you get during it, and when credits roll. One Major Problem: That's what Any% is FailFish.

Here are what rules should be for Separate Story runs: Can use a completed file, use default Emerl, and timer ends when the screen fades to black/before the Journal Text.


This has the ability to save 10-20 minutes from the current route.


There are a number of things that makes it faster.

#1 You only grab the equipment you need in Onett. You do nothing else in Onett. You Skip the rest of it. #2 When you go get Poo, those levels still go to Poo even though you're Ness. This will help big time. #3 Once you get to the Fight with Giygas, Poo can use PSI Starstorm Omega, maybe even twice.

The one problem being that I have no idea how to figure out RNG Manipulation. I do know however what needs to happen. Reset after save in video to reset RNG.

You need to go though almost all of the Magicant path without fighting anything. I say almost because now that you have 4 Characters, you need more Exp. to get the right PSI.

RNG Manipulate the game to where you fight those DNA??? Monsters that don't attack you at the end of the path where the stick is. I don't know how many you need to fight. I'm guess around 8 or 12. So 2 fight of 4 or 3 fights of 4.

After that do what the old route was already doing.

Give Jeff Horn of Life before Giygas fight if Poo can use Starstorm Omega Twice.

The Giygas fight will be different depending on how many times Poo can use PSI Starstorm. If only once, use it on Porky. If twice, use one on Porky, Poo will probable die do the Giygas' Reflection. Use Jeff to revive Poo. Then wait until the 2nd phase starts(Where you see Giygas' face for the first time) and use PSI Starstorm a 2nd time.

Rest is history. Good luck with RNG Manipulation.

The Strat I found might be very useful. Have only 1 wall for leveling Power and then for the whole Junior Group you level power as well.

After that ether first Senior Level Power then the rest for Control or First 2 Power then other 2 Control. Then right after the Senior Group, go get the Large Racket at the Equipment Shop.

This seems like the best route.

  1. Junior-Senior at Max Power or 9-9-9, instead of hitting the ball the other direction, Aim right at the opponent. Most of the time the ball will ether go right through them or hit them in the face. Hitting them in the face is actually faster then even hitting the ball the other way by about half to 1 second.

  2. With one wall, you will have enough power to do the "Face" Strat at the beginning and onward as long as you keep increasing your power.

  3. Even with getting the Large Racket, you'll save time doing it with 1 Wall then with 2 or 3 Walls.

  4. Large Racket gives you Control which should give you enough control for the Tournament. You'll lose 1 Server and 1 Stroke in Power though. Shouldn't be too much of a problem.

  5. Your Acing ability should be the same.

  6. I found this idea while also getting the low Exp amount from defeating the opponents. Getting the high Exp amount will make this a lot better.

I haven't tried the Tournament yet. For some reason I've been having problems with Drop Shots. The game doesn't seem to notice my input. I know it's not my emulator because I've never had the problem within the 5+ Years of me playing the game. That's why I've been getting the low Exp too.

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